Thursday, June 3, 2010

A- This blog is getting us into a lot of disagreements

A lot of the disagreements, it seems like I have kind of started.

-First, there was the facebook disagreement.
-Next, Esee though our posts were to short and sometimes boring and pointless which offended me
-This was kind of a disagreement, but the thing about deleting the polls (but not really)
-Next, there was the disagreement about how I always dissed Esee
-Next, there was the disagreement about how I always talked about Stella in my posts and that marriage thing (which I didn't mean in a bad way.)

It's better to call them disagreements than fights, and I've learned to think about what I type before I post.

this is stella talking: the reason why And has so many more posts than me is because i deleted a bunch off mine. i don't care who has more anymore. i deleted all the pointless ones.

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