Thursday, June 3, 2010

S - how high school WILL suck and how it WON'T

High school. Oh, man. It seems so hard. Every grade counts. So, if I get a B, that's the end. I'll have a 3.8 instead of a 4.0, and I won't get into whatever Ivy League college I wanted to get into. LOL JK!!! High school seems so hard, and plus all your friends are growing up, and changing...way more than they did in middle school. But there will be so many new people! And we have a bigger school. Facebook statuses that are usually "single" will become "in a relationship" or "it's complicated". Suddenly, you won't be making funny faces in the halls with your friends. Instead, you'll be either saying a friendly and short and awkward "hi!" or flipping each other off.

But, maybe high school won't be that bad. I guess we'll just have to wait and see, will we? That's why this post is so much shorter.

9th Grade: "Hey, Frosh." "Uh...hey!" *draws nine on your forehead* "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET, FROSH! SENIORS RULE!" "Um, ok."
10th Grade: "Wait, WHO are you going out with?" "_____ _____" "Man, he's UGLY!" "No, he isn't! At least I'm not so ugly that no one wants to go up with me. "WAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!"
11th Grade: "Oh no, what am I going to wear for the prom?" "How about this?" "No, too sparkly." "This?" "Nah, too long." "This?" "Nah, too bright." "UGH!!!"
12th Grade: "Oh, my gosh! I HAVE to get my grades up or else I won't get into Harvard! Oh, no SATs! OH NO!!!! COLLEGE APPLICATIONS!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHH" "Don't worry about it, sweetie" "oh, no, I better worry about it."

i <3 baking

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