Our Works of Writing

"Our Works of Writing" is simply a page where we post all of our short stories. Enjoy reading!

The Fox and The Bear
by S
The fox said, "hi, bear."
The bear said, "Hi, fox."
The fox said, "Good bye bear."
the bear said, "BIBI FOX!"

Prequel To First Crush
Posted 5/17/10
by And (posted by Stella)
Lola shook her uncombed hair back and forth. She opened her blue eyes wide., but the sun blinded them. She ran swiftly across the field, hoping Harris would notice her. She smiled a toothy smile at him, but he didn’t see her. She ran as fast as she could, trying to keep up with him. Her shoes loudly clunked the ground, but no matter how hard she pumped her legs, Harris was far ahead of her. He finished his last lap, and slowed down. Sweat dripped from his forehead, and his face was red with exhaustion. He shook his smooth blonde locks back and forth, soaking those around him. She finally reached the finish line, and all the boys were staring at her. When Harris looked at her, her eyes shined, her heart leaped, and she fell into the dirt, not realizing anything.
    “Are you ok?” asked Harris.
    “Yeah, of course” Lola replied distractedly.
    Harris held his hand out, and Lola gladly took it. He pulled her up. She stood up awkwardly on unbalanced feet.
    “Your time was 8:38” said Mr. Forest; the P.E. teacher.
    Harris declared triumphantly that his time was 6:52. Lola sighed, her heart beating to fast for her to catch up with.

And- The bully

"MOVE!" she hollered. Everyone was deathly afraid. They moved, they did whatever she told them to do. "Give me yo lunch money!" she screamed at a small guy. Before the small guy had a chance to open his pockets, she held him by his collar and emptied them for him.
"Your welcome," she whispered. All the kids ran from her raised fists, but they couldn't escape.
She was the bully.
One brave girl named Lilly decided to confront her, one day. She wasn't afraid of anything, but everyone thought she would be afraid of the bully.
"Why are you so mean to everyone?" Lilly asked.
"Because when I'm mean to people, they RESPECT me," the bully hissed.
"No one respects you," Lilly said simply.

Okay, I have to go to bed. Bye!

1944 by Stella (posted by Stella)
• flour
• Eggs
• Sugar

“There,” Madeline said. She ripped off a scrap of paper from her notebook and handed it to me. “Go to Kingston’s. They have the freshest vegetables there. She pressed the paper into my hands, then turned back to her desk. I stood there for a moment, reading the list.
“M-Madeline?” I squeaked.
Madeline turned back to me sharply. “What?” she snapped.
“Er, I think that you spelled flower wrong. It’s F-L-O-W-E-R, not F-L-O-U-R. R-right?”
“No, idiot!” Madeline screeched. “It’s flour! White powder that you use to make cakes, you understand?”
I nodded silently and gulped. I decided never to try to prove Madeline wrong. She was always right.
As I ran out the door carrying the worn out basket that Madeline, I thought about my sister, Edith. When Madeline had found me sleeping on the streets, waiting for Edith, she had picked me up, dusted me off, and told me that I would be a perfect servant for her. It was horrible. And then Madeline treated me like a piece of trash. She talks about me to her lady friends (she’s only 14, but for some reason she has friends who are 18 and 19), and she shoves me like I’m worthless. Maybe I am.
After I picked up everything from Kingston’s, I walked back to Madeline’s cottage slowly. Swinging the basket, I picked through my pocket and found one of the letters I had written to Edith, even though she would never read them.

December 12th, 1943
Dear Edith,
I wonder where you are right now. My life isn’t exactly good right now. After you left to scavenge for food, a teenager who lives by herself took me away. She’s rich, but I don’t know how she received her fortune. I’m her servant, and even though I do everything for her, she treats my like I’m a used handkerchief. Why, though? What have I done wrong? Mother and Daddy never did that to our maid.
Anyways, I just really want to see you. Will you reply to this letter? If you do, please tell me where you are and what you are doing. I want to find you as soon as possible so I can escape from the clutches of Madeline (my “mistress”).
I guess that’s all for now. Write back ASAP!

P.S. Did I mention that, even though I have to work for someone as terrible as Madeline, I have a wonderful and room and nice clothes!

I sighed and wiped a tear from my eye. That seemed like years ago, when I had written this letter. I took a deep breath and shoved the letter into my pocket, underneath all the lint and bits of gold that had collected in there. I grabbed my basket and ran home.

“Geraldine,” Madeline said the next morning. “I have to tell you something.”
I yawned and rubbed my eyes. Even though I had just made a tremendous breakfast for Madeline, I was still trying to wake up. “Yeah?” Then I remembered that I wasn’t with Edith. I was with Madeline. “I mean, er, yes, Madeline?”
Madeline looked at her plate and moved the eggs and bits of toast around, making a scratching sound when her fork touched the plate. I waited. Finally, Madeline looked up and said, “I’ve been running short on money, lately,” Madeline said to me. She speared a piece of toast and placed it delicately into her mouth. She chewed slowly and swallowed.
Yes? I thought desperately. Couldn’t she hurry up?
“I think I have to stop paying you the bits of gold. They’re too costly for me. I’ll have to just provide you with clothes and food now,” Madeline said. She paused, her elbow on the table, and her fork hanging limply from her hand. “That’s how it is, Geraldine. Even that’s too much. But I’ve been slaving away, trying to save some money for both of us to live.”
I released my breath with frustration. Madeline thought that she was slaving away? I was the one who was shopping, cleaning, and cooking, and I was even younger than Madeline! I wanted to shout, “You think YOU’RE slaving away? Look at me! I’ve been slaving away for YOU and only YOU!”
But of course, I didn’t. All I could do was nod and say, “Yes, Madeline. That’s good enough for me.”
But it wasn’t. Not at all.
......what did you think?........

lol by Stella (posted by Stella)
August 31st 2:12 pm

jojo3: i can’t believe that tmrw is the 1st DAY OF HIGH SCHOOL. i’ve been waiting for this my whole life!
rachel babe: i’m freaking out about my outfit rite now
jojo3: lol, u always do that
rachel babe: should i wear these ttly CUTE pink capris or leggings?
JinaRox: aw crap, rachel, do we REALLY need to tell u? duh! the leggings!
rachelbabe: ok that’s what i was thinking too
jojo3: hey guyz i have this awesome plan for tmrw
jojo3: meet me at the kozy café in 30?
rachel babe: can’t. i have to study for the SAT
jojo3: seriously rachel, it’s SUMMER. u don’t need to study for the SAT
rachel babe: im taking it in january, remember?
JinaRox: gurl, u really need to relax
jojo3: yeah
rachel babe: i cant! asian parents…
jojo3: ur parents can’t be THAT strict. they KNO ur on vacay right?
rachel babe: they prolly do, but they ignore it
jojo3: oh, rachel. i feel lucky now
JinaRox: we R lucky, and so is rachel. well, i can come, jojo. see yaz. bye rachel
rachel babe: bye. have fun. youll be sipping my favorite mochas while i suffer thru practice tests!!!!
jojo3: jina, ill tell u 1 thing be4 i gotta go. the rents don’t control ur life. it’s UR life.
rachel babe: umm, my parents r different, jojo

jojo3 has signed off.

rachel babe: oh, well thx for ignoring me!

Auto response from jojo3: its ur life you know! u get to live it!

rachel babe: oh jojo. so stubborn.
rachel babe: well i guess i really should be going now. SAT calls. and parents.
rachel babe: ttfn!

it's a lot better with the different fonts and stuff. tell me if you like it!!! oh, and thanks, Lauren Myracle for writing ttfn and that series so I could get the idea for this!


"DANG IT!" Esee screamed at the top of her lungs. She threw her purple phone towards the door of her new walk-in closet, where it shattered into pieces. Then, she curled up and started sobbing quietly. She opened the jar by her bedside table, popped a druggy lemon drop in her mouth, and passed out.
Her phone beeped, a last meager call of life, and flashed a message from Scatboy:

i luv u, but u need to get a life. i'm moving to new york. and u have to forget about me. 4ever.

"Oh woah woah woah woah woah woah!!!!!!" And and Stella sang. They were shooting a music video for their band, The Three Musketettes, and they were wearing leather pants, long necklaces, and crazy makeup. There hair was tousled, but it look wild and kind of cool. Roxy grinned and shouted "CUT!"
"That was AWESOME, you guys!" Roxy raved. "Everyone's totally gonna love it."
"Awesome!" Stella shouted. She was still energetic from their song singing. "I hope Esee's coming soon. She said she'd come at 5, but it's 5:30."
"Oh, forget her," And breezed. "She's not going to come. She's hanging out with her boyfriend, Scatboy."
No one said anything.
"Well, I guess we should head up for dinner," Roxy said. "My mom's making mac and cheese."
"Delicious!" Stella said happily.
"Ooh la la," And murmured.

Roxy shoveled a spoonful of cookie batter in her mouth. "Yum!" she chewed happily. Her teeth were sticky with the raw dough. "Thish shtuff is sho goot!"
"ROXY!" her mother screamed. "I *told* you never to do that...again!"
"I'm sorry, Mom," Roxy cried. "But I couldn't resist! I haven't had your delicious cookie dough in 3 hours!"
Roxy's mother shook her head. "Oh, Roxy, what am I going to do?"
"I don't know," Roxy replied. "I'm heading out for soccer, now, bye, Mom."
And she was out the door.



  1. Hahaz!!! What a CREATIVE story!

  2. LOL where r the good stories??

  3. i like and's storyMay 25, 2010 at 7:11 PM


  4. And says... O THANKU! I don't remember writing that, I think it was at the start of the year

  5. Anonymous said...

    WOW thats so awesome!
