Saturday, June 5, 2010

A- Story

PLEASE EVERYONE, don't get really annoyed at me and saying I'm doing this wrong, but I'm going to write a story and not on the stories page because it is getting really crowded. If anything in this story offends you, please don't be offended because it is completely fiction.


"I can't believe I'm turning 21 tonight," sighed Stella to no one in particular. So much had changed. Most of all, Stella had just gotten her first official boyfriend. But to her surprise, Roxy had not gone out with anyone, though some people had asked her. 'I'm not ready' she would always say.
The door burst open and Stella almost jumped out of her socks.
"HI," screamed And. And was still as energetic as in middle school, and STILL didn't knock before she entered. "Oh, sorry," And laughed. "I forgot to knock."
"Of course you did," Stella laughed. And was known for her horrible memory. Once, in 7th grade, Stella didn't want to give And her locker combination because if she wrote it down, And would lose it and some hobo would pick it up and open her locker. And if she just told And, And would forget the combination.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" And suddenly screeched.
"Thanks," Stella replied calmly. There was a knock on the door. When Stella saw a familiar face, she smiled.
"BELLE!" Stella grinned. Belle held out a present with outstretched hands.
"For you, and I have big news," Belle laughed. Stella wondered what the big news was, but respected Belle's privacy. Behind Belle, Roxy trailed in the room. The last one to arrive was Esee, but she wasn't late.
"Okay Belle, tell us your big news," ordered And.
"Oh," Belle's big smile faded to nervousness. "I just wanted to say... something's hapenning."
"What is it?" asked And.
"Don't laugh," Belle hissed at her friends. "But I'm getting married."
"Keep it down, please," Stella sighed. And didn't seem to hear her.
"I know, but I love him. And yesterday, he proposed. I just had to say yes," Belle giggled with dreamy eyes.
"What are you going to name your child?" asked Roxy.
"How about Esee," suggested Esee with dancing eyes.
"I will NEVER have a child," Belle growled. "I've made that clear, forever."
"We'll see," Stella replied. Stella couldn't imagine one of her best friends getting married, after all, they were all still so young. Stella thought that Belle should wait just a while longer to decide if she actually wanted to get married.
A few hours later, And brought out the wine. "DRINK SOME," she ordered Stella. Stella looked at the alcohol carefully.
"CHUG, CHUG, CHUG, CHUG, CHUG," the crowd cheered. Roxy, Esee, And, & Belle poured themselves a glass and drank it all. Unlike most kids, Stella's parents had never let her have little sips of wine when she was a kid, so she didn't know what wine actually tasted like.
Stella nervously took a sip, but then immedietely spat it out. "This is VILE," Stella hissed. "Why would anyone willingly drink this?"
"Because it makes you feel good," Esee said dreamily. Stella shook her head distastefully and went back to her fruit punch.

Roxy shuffled her beautiful brunette hair and walked through the mall like a goddess. All the guys looked at her, but she gave them a look that said "I'm un-dateable." She completely was.
When Roxy had turned 18 a few years ago, she'd suddenly gotten an urge to become less sporty and more VERY high fashion. Roxy wore expensive brand names finished off with great accessories.
Roxy was in a very long line at Nordstrom when she someone tapped her on the shoulder.
"Do you happen to know, er, where the check-out line is?" a guy with blonde hair and greenish-gray eyes asked. On his face was a wonderful smile, and he was wearing a button up shirt with plaid shorts. Normally, plaid just didn't work on guys, but it did on this guy.
"This IS the check-out line," Roxy muttered. She didn't realize that the guy had asked her the question as an excuse to talk to her.
"Oh," the guy blushed. "I'm Ned," he grinned.
"I'm... Roxy," Roxy whispered. They shook hands, and Roxy had an opportunity to look into the guy's eyes.
Roxy and Ned talked for the rest of the time in the line.
"Next," the checkout lady muttered. Ned stepped to the counter. It didn't take him long to notice that he didn't have anything he was buying. "YES?" asked the checkout lady.
"I- forgot to get something to buy," Ned whispered stupidly.
Roxy giggled. Ned was so... dreamy.
"Would you like to have a quick lunch with me?" asked Ned, still blushing.
"YES," Roxy suddenly shouted. Her heart started to pound, what was she supposed to do or say? Roxy had never liked a guy this much before, but Ned was different.

*i will work on this story more later*

"So... have you ever though into the future a little more?" asked Westo. Belle looked at him in confusion. All she could do was twirl her blond hair into a spiral around her fingers.
"What do you mean?" she asked him.
"I'm not exactly sure. For now, we're just married. But after we're married... What are we going to name our children?" asked Westo.
"CHILDREN?" asked Belle. "We will ADOPT children," hissed Belle.
"But I've always wanted to be a father," Westo protested.
"You will be, to our ADOPTED children," Belle growled. Westo looked at her, not knowing what to say.
"You never- you never told me that. I would never have married you if I knew," West cried.
"Well, then you shouldn't have proposed," Belle sobbed. Tears flew off her eyes and soaked her hair.


  1. LOL!!! For the roxy one, are u sure that they jus shake hands and then decide to have lunch?

  2. Oh, it does seem sudden now. I'll add more details now.
