Thursday, June 3, 2010


So, you mentioned there being a competition. I accept, haha.

I have started to not watch TV very much anymore because I'm constantly on this blog, trying to post more than Stella, haha.

Esee says that Stella will probably win. Well, that's probably true. But I'm still going to try, I don't give up THAT easily. (THAT?!!! haha)

In team tutorial, Roxy probably won't be able to post anything because she's to busy reading all our posts, LOL.

We've gone from 5 posts a day (which was YESTERDAY) to like 15 posts a day. OMG! This blog thing was such a good idea!

I'm totally obsessing over it!! WAHOOOOOOOO! I feel kind of crazy right now btw. :\\\\\\

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