Wednesday, June 2, 2010

E- And, ur in trouble

Well, And ur not actually in trouble but yes, we do have a french test. Actually we have 3, i think. Or maybe she just put all the stuff into one test. I dunno. But i SWEAR that we are going to have a test so u should probably study And.

oh and And and Stella, the i hate it 2 when ppl act like ur younger than u actually r *cough* Evvi *cough*. it's totally annoying. like when i chat with this one person *cough* Evvi *cough*, who is only 1 yr older than me. He acts like 1 yr, is like a 5 yr difference and it's totally annoying!!!!!

WOAH, i posted 3 times in like 15 min. OH CRAP. I took 15 min posting. and it wuz only supposed to last like 5 cuz i still have hw. Crap. well i gtg

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