PoeTrY CorNEr aNd SonG WriTinG AreA

Welcome to this wonderful page
where poetry will never age
Meet new ways
To become more gay


I am bored
Nothing new with that
Happens all the time
But that's ok with me
Such a stupid poem this is
But it's what I do
To be less bored

Ok so this isn't a poem, dur, but it relates to poetry so I'm just going to put it here. Ok, so I noticed that The first three letters of Poetry, is Poe. And there was a very famous poet named Edgar Allan POE. Ya, okay, so that's my random coincidence of the day (oh but that doesn't mean that I'm going to have a coincidence every day).

A- Summer

Will school ever end?
Oh these days I've been waiting
For school to be over
And summer to start

The swimming
The splashing
The playing
The slashing

There's so much to do
But school must end

Haha that's a bad poem, because it took me about 10 seconds to write

History Review (song by Stella)
*this should be sung in R&B style
ooooh, oooh, ooh....
I'm studying for history right now
Right now
Oh yeah....uh - huh.....mhmhmh...
What I know right now
is that Alaric...who was he? oh...i don't know...mhhhm...
but wait! i know now....he was the leader of the Visigoths!
the Visigoths...oh yeah...uh - huh......
He surrounded Rome with his followers....OH!
And the ruled the people of Rome and starved them...oh...uh-huh...it was so terrible
so terrible......the Visigoths were invaders....uhmmmhhh...oh yeah!
and they took treasure and food and money...and those precious things that we all savor......oh yeah. mhhhmmm.....
The Empire of Rome...what was happening to it? It? It? It? oh yeah...uh- huh...mmhmmm.....
It was on life support. But whaaaatttttttttt would happen next....oh yeaaaaaaaahhh!!!!

*this verse should be sung in rap style
The empire of Rome was wanin', man!
Generals were corrupt! Like dey turned bad!
Invasions of Rome were happenin' so often, man, you gotta imagine that, how horrible dat is! Got it, homie?
Yeah! UH- HUH! BEAT IT!! Emperors were bein' killed, oh how horrible, over a 24 - 50 year span!
The Roman Empire was wanin' so fast, so fast! diseases were spreadin like wildfires all over the country like you couldn't believe. OH YEAH! UH-HUH! BEAT IT, GANGSTA!

*this verse should be sung in Ke$ha style
And I'm so glad because this is not how I should be acting. But I gotta study for this test
and i don't want to
Clovis was an emperor at fifteen,
his reign lasted for such a long time, but I can't remember!
He converted himself to christian like, yeah, yeah, yeah, and that marked the beginning of a new world, and region of Rome! Rome, seems like such an old place.
He was wise, yet harsh. Like harsh, but wise, wise, wise.
Clovis became Christian, and so he wanted everyone else to be Christian too. And he said that Christianity helped him win a battle.
I like your beard.

*this verse should be sung in country style
Oh, I was down on the country road,
Singin' songs in my code,
When I came across a school in my way,
I stopped by bike and parked at the bay,
and listened to what the teacher had to say...dum, dum, dum, DUM.
He said in Ancient Rome, there was a man named Justinian, who had a wife named Theodora..bum, bum, bum, BUM.
There were some Nike Riots around some time, and so this man wanted to leave, but his wife said no...she wanted to stay. boom boom boom BOOM.
she said, "I got some things to do, you better go, and I shall stay."
Boom boom boom BOOM.
There was a plague that started too, and Justinian, oh that poor man, got the disease, and afterward, he got all pessimistic and worrisome with funky plans.
This plague decrease the population of Rome.
Oh how sad!

*this verse should be sung in jazz style
Oooh (snap, snap)
ooooooooooooooh, babehhhhhhhh! (snap, snap)
Oooh, so sad, so sad, so sad.
You got someone to love,
this was in Ancient Rome, and so many people died (sniff, sniff)
ooh, (sob, sob)...1/3 to 1/2 of cities died. the population decreased, so much, oh no...(sob, sob)
the disease was carried by fleas in rats..
and the symptoms were so terrible...this all happened in 525 AD. it was so sad. ohh....and then Justinian and his wife wanted the Mediterranian Sea...to become Roman land, but I guess it just never happened. :( (sniff, sniff, snap, snap)

*this verse should be sung in a scary ghost tone.
The empire had to expand......Scritch. Scritch.
Scritch. Scritch. Scritch, scritch, scritch. OOOOOOHHHH YEHHHHHHHHHH.
Charles Martel was a man. He took land from the Church and made it into land to train an army. They won the battle of Tours!!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! Scritch. Scritch.

*this verse should be sung in rock style
Charlemagne, Charlemagne, he was the man, OOOOOH YEAH!!!!!
He had five wives and twenty children, WHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
So what did he think, oh, you better find out! NOW!
He treated anyone who wasn't Christian brutally...and he divided the land into 540 counties! WHOOOOOOOOOOOHEEEEEE!!!! Noooooo, wait......actually 350 counties. ARRRRRIBBA!!!!! Charlemagne was a good man, you better understand that, too! He made sure that all children had an education...including himself! And he wanted everyone to be Christian, and so they were! So....WHWOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! YAAAHAHHHH!!!!! Charlemagne, he brought peace to the empire and made living so much easier.
Niu, niu, niu, niu, NIIIIIIUUUUUUUU!!!! niu, niu,niu, niu....NIU!!!!! NIIIIIIUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--guitar solo

*this verse should be sung in any tune you want
The vikings! ARRR!!! Those horn hats, and there shields! Man, how stereotypical!
The vikings had lots of skillzzzz at waterbased attacks and so the PWNED at that. And they robbed monasteries because the monk dudes had no weapons and they had all the good stuff. Charlemagne died when he was 72, even though the Viking men were still there. :( The vikings first attack spot was Britain. It was their favorite too. And when they went to North Umbria, they didn't just want loot...they wanted land. Ooh, and something weird was Ivar led the Vikings. And Iyella was his rival. But eventually, Ivar kinda did something to Iyella that I don't want to discuss. The Vikings also wanted to raid where they were least like to die. Smart, I guess.Oh, no!! One more fact! They really liked attacking iceland, England, North America, Ireland, and da Middle East. I need to review this...like NOW!

*this verse should just be talked
The crusades! knights were anxious 4 battle..omg. peasants struggled....muslims took over the holy land. after 9 crusades, they failed to get back the holy land. the pope told em 2.

Math Test by And + Stella (posted by And)

Equations and more
It’s all such a bore

From adding to dividing
Which is much harder than horseback riding

From factoring to variables,
There’s so much more than decimals,

From exponents to graphing,
I would rather be laughing,

From multiplying to subtracting,
Flirting seems much more attracting,

From slope to coordinates,
This is worse than finding subordinates,

From geometry to square roots,
For lunch I will be eating fruits,

From calculators to scratch paper,
OMG, I’m dating a raper,

From quizzes to tests
I’m just such a mess

From fractions to percents,
I’m counting my presents,

What’s the point of learning this?
I would rather go and take a piss

New song -- in simlish!
goootp gu gjuh

ahh boring