Funny Chat Room Between the Members of Randestese

This page is where And, Esee, Roxy, and Stella chat and argue and do all sorts of things. Read and laugh and cry as you experience the wonders of our blog life!

Unknown Date ... whoops!
Stella: ooh, this is cool! is And still there? get her to type, Esee!!!
Stella: click the pencil if you want to edit.
Esee: Yeperz! ya, but she's writing her story :( she's prob like never going to do anything 4 da blog, we will "might" have to change it to Estese, haha, jk
Stella: what story are we talking about here? click refresh OFTEN esee. oh and also i logged into the andreaiscool56 account. i changed the theme and invited u to chat. that's okay right?
Esee: Ya, wat do u mean u invited me to chat? oh, and sry 4 taking 4 ev to reply, i'm reading andrea's new story about anna.
Stella: oh, i logged into the andreaiscool facebook account. bye.
Esee: Oh ya, dat's ttly fine. WAIT, UR GOING?!?!?! NOOOOOOO!!!!
And: FOR YOUR INFO, I now post a lot. I'm "exploring" our blog right now. IT'S SO COOL! I'm gonna post a lot now. Whoever came up with this awesome chat thing is smart.

June 1st, 2010
And: STELLA!I think your on because you just posten something.
Stella: hehe, WHOOPS. i was playing my instrument. r u on now?
Stella: .....
Stella: i am going to take that as a NO.

June 2nd, 2010
Stella: DUDE. you must be on!!!!

June 6th, 2010
Roxy: There's an andreaiscool Facebook acount too?!

August 19th, 2010
Stella: woooowwwww, that was a LONG time ago, Roxy!!! SORRY we didn't respond!!! and anyways, yes, there IS indeed one. but it got disabled a while ago. Jason Advokez's account. :'(

August 25th, 2010
Roxy:  Who's Jason Advokez?

August 31st, 2010
Roxy: Whats the "Daily Puppy"?

January 13th, 2011
Stella: ROXY!!!! dude we need to chat more. |-| lol but that random "what's the daily puppy?" made mah day!!!!