Wednesday, June 2, 2010

S - right now (UPDATED)

right now, i'm doing homework. I SHOULD be doing it, but i'm not. But i will after this VERY QUICK POST.
So yeah.

I am VERY frustrated with people who are obsessed with fashion. Just saying. :O
I am not excited for the social studies test tomorrow. I hate tests. Teachers are suddenly bombarding us with tests. ARGH.

Okay, I just looked on TV and I saw something rather....

I really like it when books are easy to hold, and a good size AND they are interesting. I prefer fiction to nonfiction. Nonfiction, a lot of the time, is really cheesy sounding when it's written, otherwise it's WAY too professional and the words are all crammed together in, like, size 2 print font. That's why I like autobiographies. Because they are written like fiction, but it's true. Well, kinda true. Sometimes, authors are biased.

i <3 baking

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