Tuesday, June 29, 2010

R - Annoying

This week is kinda wierd for me. I have crew, which starts at 7:30 and ends at 9:30, and I also am helping out with a camp at church, where I have to be at 8:50. So on Sunday I told the camp people that I would have to be an hour late on Monday. Then they came to talk to me then about how late I would be for the rest of the days. I saidi about half and hour, assuming crew would let me out early. So when I got to crew this morning I asked them if I could leave about 20 minutes early and they said yes. I was going to call home and say that, but I couldn't figure out how to make the phone work, so I didn't call. That meant I was late for camp. The camp planner people weren't very happy about this. She was actually really mad ( I think, I'm not quite sure). But she shouldn't be that mad because I told them at the beginning, like the very, very beginning, before camp had even started that I would have to be late. Then she put me in a group with only one other Youth Assistant (most of the other groups have three or four youth assistants). That means that the girl I'm working with has to be super busy, which isn't fair to her and its her first year. So they really messed up with setting up the groups and YA's pairing. And I feel like its all my fault, even though I did what I could. Its all really wearing on my nerves, even though its only Tuesday. This is not a good week so far.

Also, on a completely different note, this is the 100th post on the blog!! YAY!! (actually, thats why I posted, so we can get over 100 posts.

On another completely different note, when in And getting back from vacation.

Okay, I'm done rambling now.

Have a great rest of summer and be patriotic next week!

PS. My neighbors are re-roofing their house and it STINKS!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

R - Stealing

I am upset about why kenny keeps stealing all this stuff. I wish she would just buy her own stuff or live with out it. Also, i kinda wish she was better at stealing and so it wasn't sooo obvious.
i feel bad for her and for And. Unfortunately, since kennys leaving on wednesday, theres not much you can do to punish her. This is a bad ending to the school year...

On a happier note, I found the least favorite things. Maybe I will put it the song section later, but this is it:

Our Least Favorite Things:

Make up and short-shorts and fat people bouncing
Lotions and sprays from BB&W
Low tank tops and sagging
And too many peircings
These are a few of our least favorite things

Locker rooms and PE clothes, the lost and found too
Very old cheese and flattolation (or however you spell that)
Too much gaming and ipods galore
These are a few of our least favorite things

When the Perves come
When the Fashion strikes
When the cell phones txt.
We simply remember our least favorite things
And then we feel so bad!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

R - My least Favorite things and Esee's birthday party

At Esee's birthday party (it was lots of fun, thanks for inviting me), Stella and I wrote a song which is called "my least favorite things". Unfortunately, I think that I left the paper that it was on folded up at Esee's house. So if she finds it, she should type it up and put it in the songs and stories section of this blog. Then she should give me or Stella the original.
I am so excited for the last day of school is coming closer!! Summer will, hopefully, be so much fun!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

A- Tomorrow

OMG I wonder what's gonna happen tomorrow at Esee's birth. I'll try hard not to ruin it! AND BELLE, PLEASE DON'T SAY ANYTHING!!! you know what I'm talking about...

Anyways, I've had Elise's present FOREVER and I can't wait to give it to her. I havent been on our blog very much becuz i dont have my computer nemore.

And also... I havent been on facebook. Sorry! I'm turning anti-technology. haha, just like last year. mrs. storms thought i was quiet, shy, and anti-technology. she was soooo WRONG.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

R-Top Tens and Soccer Practice

I can't think of the 10th top ten for the most important events in my life. It's really bigging me 'cause I can't even think of something to make up. I also have soccer practice in like 15 minutes so I'm running out of time. One thing that does make me happy is not having my laptop any more. This means that my backpack is super light!! YAY!!!
Okay back to work.

Hope for the sun the continue!

Oh yah, launching rockets in science was super fun too!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

A Post a Day #2

I played basketball with a lot of my friends today. First, we played normal basketball, but no one really cared about the rules. The ball always got out of bounds, and we always grabbed it out of people's hands. Only one kid really cared. It was really fun, but no one ever passed it to me because they didn't even know that I was on their team.
This is where you line up and try to shoot the ball before the person behind you shoots. If they do shoot, then your out. It's a really fun game, but weirdgreenman thinks it's dumb. She wanted to play "Poison", but no one else did. And they didn't even know what "Poison" was.

Now, I am going to talk to my blog members. Roxy, the VERY GOOD story was by And. I'm pretty sure that the got the idea from The Year I Turned Sixteen, which is a really good book by Diane Schwemm (msp?). It's about four sisters, and each story is about the year they turn sixteen. Also, And, how come Esee made you left-hand promise not to tell anyone about the neighbor that she hates playing basketball?

That's all for now. It's a shorter post, so it won't take up half the page.

A-Esee's house

Right now, I'm at Esee's house, and I'm sleeping over. We long jumped a little more and we totally SUCKED. Maybe it's because we had bad circumstances. At first, I was jumping like five feet, and I wasn't really jumping, I was like, leaping. And usually I jump 11 or 12 feet! But in the end, I got to 8 feet. Haha, Esee did pretty good, her best was around 10 feet.

Esee is obsessed with this one game on my iPod. It's called Stand O' Food and personally, it's okay, but gets kind of boring after a while. She's concentrating really hard. SHE KEEPS SAYING, "HOLY SNAP!" It's so funny.

OMG Stella, this isn't that amazing... but when we were long jumping Esee's neighbor that she hates was playing basketball, lol. And she made me left hand promise not to say anything. Well, I wouldn't have said anything anyways! Okay... I might have. BUT I DIDN'T.

Elise is failing at the game on my iPod.


I am at the UW injury prevention center right now. It is very quiet in here. We are waiting for the people tonget back from lunch. For a while, the people next to us looked funny because they were both texting. They also look really alike.

This is random:
but it us really humid right now. My shoes are green from mowing the lawn yesterday.
For lunch, I had two doughts and half a bagel.
The ceiling is really high in here.
Now I am at home. It is 4:18. Now I also have a simsuit and I can take the float test for crew.
Hopefully this isn't one of those bad posts. Sorry if it is. Just tell me and then I will not do another post like it.

Stella that is a really awesome story, btw. Its also hilarious!! I'm happy that we have tomorrow off of school...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

A- Story

PLEASE EVERYONE, don't get really annoyed at me and saying I'm doing this wrong, but I'm going to write a story and not on the stories page because it is getting really crowded. If anything in this story offends you, please don't be offended because it is completely fiction.


"I can't believe I'm turning 21 tonight," sighed Stella to no one in particular. So much had changed. Most of all, Stella had just gotten her first official boyfriend. But to her surprise, Roxy had not gone out with anyone, though some people had asked her. 'I'm not ready' she would always say.
The door burst open and Stella almost jumped out of her socks.
"HI," screamed And. And was still as energetic as in middle school, and STILL didn't knock before she entered. "Oh, sorry," And laughed. "I forgot to knock."
"Of course you did," Stella laughed. And was known for her horrible memory. Once, in 7th grade, Stella didn't want to give And her locker combination because if she wrote it down, And would lose it and some hobo would pick it up and open her locker. And if she just told And, And would forget the combination.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" And suddenly screeched.
"Thanks," Stella replied calmly. There was a knock on the door. When Stella saw a familiar face, she smiled.
"BELLE!" Stella grinned. Belle held out a present with outstretched hands.
"For you, and I have big news," Belle laughed. Stella wondered what the big news was, but respected Belle's privacy. Behind Belle, Roxy trailed in the room. The last one to arrive was Esee, but she wasn't late.
"Okay Belle, tell us your big news," ordered And.
"Oh," Belle's big smile faded to nervousness. "I just wanted to say... something's hapenning."
"What is it?" asked And.
"Don't laugh," Belle hissed at her friends. "But I'm getting married."
"Keep it down, please," Stella sighed. And didn't seem to hear her.
"I know, but I love him. And yesterday, he proposed. I just had to say yes," Belle giggled with dreamy eyes.
"What are you going to name your child?" asked Roxy.
"How about Esee," suggested Esee with dancing eyes.
"I will NEVER have a child," Belle growled. "I've made that clear, forever."
"We'll see," Stella replied. Stella couldn't imagine one of her best friends getting married, after all, they were all still so young. Stella thought that Belle should wait just a while longer to decide if she actually wanted to get married.
A few hours later, And brought out the wine. "DRINK SOME," she ordered Stella. Stella looked at the alcohol carefully.
"CHUG, CHUG, CHUG, CHUG, CHUG," the crowd cheered. Roxy, Esee, And, & Belle poured themselves a glass and drank it all. Unlike most kids, Stella's parents had never let her have little sips of wine when she was a kid, so she didn't know what wine actually tasted like.
Stella nervously took a sip, but then immedietely spat it out. "This is VILE," Stella hissed. "Why would anyone willingly drink this?"
"Because it makes you feel good," Esee said dreamily. Stella shook her head distastefully and went back to her fruit punch.

Roxy shuffled her beautiful brunette hair and walked through the mall like a goddess. All the guys looked at her, but she gave them a look that said "I'm un-dateable." She completely was.
When Roxy had turned 18 a few years ago, she'd suddenly gotten an urge to become less sporty and more VERY high fashion. Roxy wore expensive brand names finished off with great accessories.
Roxy was in a very long line at Nordstrom when she someone tapped her on the shoulder.
"Do you happen to know, er, where the check-out line is?" a guy with blonde hair and greenish-gray eyes asked. On his face was a wonderful smile, and he was wearing a button up shirt with plaid shorts. Normally, plaid just didn't work on guys, but it did on this guy.
"This IS the check-out line," Roxy muttered. She didn't realize that the guy had asked her the question as an excuse to talk to her.
"Oh," the guy blushed. "I'm Ned," he grinned.
"I'm... Roxy," Roxy whispered. They shook hands, and Roxy had an opportunity to look into the guy's eyes.
Roxy and Ned talked for the rest of the time in the line.
"Next," the checkout lady muttered. Ned stepped to the counter. It didn't take him long to notice that he didn't have anything he was buying. "YES?" asked the checkout lady.
"I- forgot to get something to buy," Ned whispered stupidly.
Roxy giggled. Ned was so... dreamy.
"Would you like to have a quick lunch with me?" asked Ned, still blushing.
"YES," Roxy suddenly shouted. Her heart started to pound, what was she supposed to do or say? Roxy had never liked a guy this much before, but Ned was different.

*i will work on this story more later*

"So... have you ever though into the future a little more?" asked Westo. Belle looked at him in confusion. All she could do was twirl her blond hair into a spiral around her fingers.
"What do you mean?" she asked him.
"I'm not exactly sure. For now, we're just married. But after we're married... What are we going to name our children?" asked Westo.
"CHILDREN?" asked Belle. "We will ADOPT children," hissed Belle.
"But I've always wanted to be a father," Westo protested.
"You will be, to our ADOPTED children," Belle growled. Westo looked at her, not knowing what to say.
"You never- you never told me that. I would never have married you if I knew," West cried.
"Well, then you shouldn't have proposed," Belle sobbed. Tears flew off her eyes and soaked her hair.

A- Today

Today, I got up very late and went to home depot and costco. It was very boring, so I begged my parents to take me to Paws and look at kittens. When we got there, there WERE NO kittens, just cats. One cat bit me, and it kind of hurt but then the person put this weird stuff on it.

My mom was looking through the window of a hair salon, and she was like, "i wanna become a hair cutting person. My friend makes 100,000 dollars a year" or something, but I doubt my mom will get to that. Then we went inside, and getting bangs was free, so I "got bangs." AND THE PERSON TOOK LIKE 10 MINUTES TO CUT 2 STRANDS OF HAIR. I can't even see the difference. Like, at all. At least it was free, but my mom tipped the person a dollar.

On facebook, I joined like 50 things you could "like". I was really bored, and no one good was online to chat with.

My parents are working on our garden. They got a ton of new stuff, so much stuff that we could barely fit in the car.

Here are things on my mind right now. They're almost like things that you can "LIKE" on facebook, so if you agree with them, please comment and say like.

-When a fat person says, "Why don't you just eat more?" I want to say, "Why don't you just eat LESS."
-I hate it when everyone else is super obsessed with something that I don't have, and it's all they can do/talk about.
-I hate those moments with my friends when neither of us know what to say.
-That feeling you get after you take a test that you KNOW you aced it.
-That horrible feeling you get after getting in trouble.
-That feeling you get when you know you failed a test, and it's all you can think about.
-Those days when everything goes wrong.
-The way you desperately wish you hadn't done/said something when the other person gets really mad at you and starts crying.
-Why do I always seem to regret the choices I make?
-When it was happening, I had to say that, but now that I think about it, I really wish I hadn't said that.
-That one person who really annoys you for no particular reason that you can't help but be mean to. (cough cough "One particular person with orange hair* cough cough)
-I hate it when a teacher gets mad at me for something the person next to me was doing as well.
-When you just can't think of anything else to write about because you've already wrote about all the good ideas.

Friday, June 4, 2010

S - A Post a Day #1

*ignore the last A Post a Day.

When I got home today, I started to wonder about all kinds of things.

1. Why do singers shake their heads when they sing (note: that's one of the ideas on my autobiography project, so please don't steal it)? I mean, if you watch them live or in a recording studio, they shake their heads slightly when their singing R&B or some other quiet jazzy singing style. I don't do it, for one thing. :)

2. Do you think when the teacher calls me "honey", is she exasperated or does she just like calling people that? Today, in one of my classes, I kept going to my teacher again and again for corrections on my work. On the third time, she said, "What is it, honey?" She never said it on the other times. Most of the time, when people call you that, it means they are motherly or they just call people that. But I couldn't help suspecting if she was annoyed or not.

3. How could someone love someone so much that they would do anything for them?
There are songs about that too. In the musical Oliver! there's a song that goes, "I'll do anything for you..." But would they rob someone, hurt someone, or do something bad for the person they love???

There will be SO many theories and answers to these questions. And people always look at it differently. But no one's right for these kinds of questions. Except maybe Question 2, but the teacher could have had mixed feelings. You never know.

Now that I've got all the philosophical stuff off my mind, I'm going to tell people about Blue and Gold Day:

I like to call it Blue and Yellow day, just because gold pretty much becomes yellow. When I walked into school today, I saw a group of kids standing by the cafeteria. I walked into the group, and I saw one of my friends painting people's faces with a little jar of gold face paint. I got stripes on my face! I felt very School Spirit Like. I also wore a lot of blue. I should have worn my sunglasses, but I can't see in those. I wish that I had long blue socks. That would look so cool. Oh, well. I'll just have to wait until next year.
After school, weirdgreenman gave me a sugar cookie she made. It's good, but it doesn't taste like sugar cookie. Oh, well. No cookie is perfect.

Well, that's what I'm just going to post for now! Also, check the posts that have already been posted (not now, but maybe later), because I might add stuff to this one if I have more thoughts. OK! That's it for now!

Oooh, and one more thing. If you are trying to write a rhyming poem, go to www.rhymezone.com. It's actually a pretty good website. You can also try to rhyme with your name. Don't type TOO complicated words in there, because they might not work. But you can try!

R-Silent Reading

I have nothing to do. This is because I turned my book in to the library and have no homework that I can do. Except for math, but that is a big packet that I will do over the weekend. For a while Esee let me read her book, but then she wanted to read it so I let her. Now I am waiting for 5th period to start. Leeeeeelah's computer keeps making noises so i think that she is playing a game. i went on Mrs. Storm's blog. It is pretty cool. Jax is so cute!!

i am very excited for 5th period because esee said that they watched the Incredibles in band yesterday and that is what I have next. yay!! Unlike And, I am happy. Only 8 more minutes.

R-English etc

English is kinda boring. I have a loaner laptop. I can't figure out what to put down for moments of my life. And just added a really funny post and Belle read it aloud. M&M is mad about the nickname Madeye. Andrea is going to take a nap. She looks really funny. Sorry this is short.

The track party will be soooooooooooooooooo soo soo so so so Fun!!

A- I've just found out :(

I've just found out that Mr. Antler isn't teaching honors history next year. Mr. Courtney is teaching honors history next year and Mr. Antler says he hates me. But I don't believe him.

Also, I can't go to the track party because I quit track.

Everyone always laughs at me. I wish I hadn't made it to prelims because then I never would have quit. :(

ALSO, I'm sad.

I'm in English, and I've noticed that this blog is getting kind of boring, but I'm not going to stop posting yet.


BIG NOTICE: I actually want to know what people think I would look like in side bangs, so please don't vote more than once.

Im sorry that this post is so short, but I had to get this message across

S - A Post a Day #1

I have decided that one post a day is better. Or two. I'll be super busy today because right when I get back from school, I'm going to play piano. Only a few breaks.

Also, a note to all stalkers who read this:
If you want info about us, we'll tell you our age. Roxy is only a week old -- she's still a baby. Esee and And are the oldest -- almost one month old. Stella is almost as old as Esee and And. Stalkers, you will be happy.

Also, please don't copy my #1 ideas. Then the blog will be clogged up with #1's and #2's all the time. Come up with something else, please. Thank you.

Also, And, thank you for taking all your sweaty clothes out of my locker. Sorry that your backpack is full of clothes again.

Also, please delete some of the posts that are pointless so that we don't have so many posts for June. I had to, so don't say I'm selfish.

i <3 baking

Thursday, June 3, 2010

A- This blog is getting us into a lot of disagreements

A lot of the disagreements, it seems like I have kind of started.

-First, there was the facebook disagreement.
-Next, Esee though our posts were to short and sometimes boring and pointless which offended me
-This was kind of a disagreement, but the thing about deleting the polls (but not really)
-Next, there was the disagreement about how I always dissed Esee
-Next, there was the disagreement about how I always talked about Stella in my posts and that marriage thing (which I didn't mean in a bad way.)

It's better to call them disagreements than fights, and I've learned to think about what I type before I post.

this is stella talking: the reason why And has so many more posts than me is because i deleted a bunch off mine. i don't care who has more anymore. i deleted all the pointless ones.

A- I'm sry that I've offended so many people

Today, I've posted a lot of things on this blog that offended people (Esee and Stella.) I changed them/deleted them so that they were not offensive.

So don't be mad at me because I didn't mean for them to be mean or anything.

Oh... and I didn't know that Ivy League was a type of college, whoops.

Good thing we didn't post our URL on facebook because then people would see all the things we've posted and some are a bit... personal, I guess. So I understand (ACTUALLY!) how Esee doesn't want our blog URL to be on face book.

S - And I'm not happy with you. i'm still kind of mad

oh, and Btw And, i can't imagine YOU EVER GETTING MARRIED either! so stop saying stuff about me!

and you didn't do the college thing right.

Freshman Year: "Ugh...college is soooo boring. High school was fun. Suddenly, everyone's so serious. And there's lampshades everywhere. Ugh."
Sophomore Year: "EXAMS!!!! CRAM CRAM CRAM!!!!!!! Ugh...i'm so tired...maybe i'll snoooze a little bit...."
Junior Year: "hey, esee, let's hit the party! get some beer too!" "Sure!" 4 hours later: "oh no! i totally forgot to study for my huge exam! EEK"
Senior Year: "okay, i have lots of stuff to do and then I'm off to get a job!" "Uh, no. Graduate school, idiot!" "Oh..hehe, I'm ditching that..."

And, the married thing was kinda mean. Really.


"omg, i'm applying for Ivy League!" seriously, ANd? it's not a college.


or, i can just stop participating in the blog. how would you like that, huh, esee and roxy??

SOOOOO, AND?????????? I don't want to like people all the time just because i don't meet people who seem right, ok? and i'm not going to meet my future husband in middle school. and i don't LIKE random hobos on the street like YOU do, AND.

S - oh, and btw And

oh, and Btw And, i can't imagine YOU EVER GETTING MARRIED either! so stop saying stuff about me!

and you didn't do the college thing right.

Freshman Year: "Ugh...college is soooo boring. High school was fun. Suddenly, everyone's so serious. And there's lampshades everywhere. Ugh."
Sophomore Year: "EXAMS!!!! CRAM CRAM CRAM!!!!!!! Ugh...i'm so tired...maybe i'll snoooze a little bit...."
Junior Year: "hey, esee, let's hit the party! get some beer too!" "Sure!" 4 hours later: "oh no! i totally forgot to study for my huge exam! EEK"
Senior Year: "okay, i have lots of stuff to do and then I'm off to get a job!" "Uh, no. Graduate school, idiot!" "Oh..hehe, I'm ditching that..."

S - rant

i'm going to rant about funny things about And.
She is SOOOO forgetful! i wouldn't give her my locker combination because she would probably drop it if I wrote it down. Or she would forget it if I just told her.
Also she always does these funny dances and makes up these songs that are kinda funny but dumb.
Another thing is she laughs at stuff that I don't think is funny, but oh well. :)

also can we stop the competition thing? i don't want to post a million posts a day. And plus were clogging up cyberspace. So, just STOP And. I don't want to have to post stuff all day anymore. k?

R- Another kind of funny joke

Its all about how you present things:

There was a car race betweent he fastest Russian car and the fastest American car. When the starting gun blew, the american car went way ahead of the Russian car and won. In the Russian newspaper the next day, they reported that the Russian's had come in second and that the American's had come in second last.

Get it?? Hee hee. :)

A- Very funny joke! (kind of)

This is a joke that Rose told me, but you might not get it. I'm going to change it a little.

"Stella and Repeat were on a boat, Stella jumped of the boat, who was left on the boat?" And asked.
"Repeat," Esee muttered.

"Stella and Repeat were on a boat, Stella jumped of the boat, who was left on the boat?" And asked.
"Repeat," Esee muttered.

"Stella and Repeat were on a boat, Stella jumped of the boat, who was left on the boat?" And asked.
"Repeat," Esee muttered.

"Stella and Repeat were on a boat, Stella jumped of the boat, who was left on the boat?" And asked.
"Repeat," Esee muttered.

"Stella and Repeat were on a boat, Stella jumped of the boat, who was left on the boat?" And asked.
"Repeat," Esee muttered.

"Stella and Repeat were on a boat, Stella jumped of the boat, who was left on the boat?" And asked.
"Repeat," Esee muttered.

"Stella and Repeat were on a boat, Stella jumped of the boat, who was left on the boat?" And asked.
"Repeat," Esee muttered.

"Stella and Repeat were on a boat, Stella jumped of the boat, who was left on the boat?" And asked.
"Repeat," Esee muttered.

"Stella and Repeat were on a boat, Stella jumped of the boat, who was left on the boat?" And asked.
"Repeat," Esee muttered.

"Stella and Repeat were on a boat, Stella jumped of the boat, who was left on the boat?" And asked.
"Repeat," Esee muttered.

"Stella and Repeat were on a boat, Stella jumped of the boat, who was left on the boat?" And asked.
"Repeat," Esee muttered.

etc. haha get it?

R-First Post

This is cool!! I posted something with esee during tutorial too. But its not showing up. I will try to add something almost every day. I like the polls to. We should add some more.
The track meet went okay. I think that kellogg lost though. I got second last in the mile and the 4 x 400 team lost. It was fun. See y'all tommarrow.


It's hard to imagine that we'll be adults some day. I don't really want to be, being a kid is a lot of fun.

I can't imagine any of us getting married. It seems really weird

Anyways, that won't happen for a long time.
In the future, this blog will probably end up getting really boring. That's what always happens. When I'm overly obsessed with something, it never really lasts. But it'll last at least another month or so.

It kind of seems like Esee and Stella are always on at the same time. There's a constant cycle of what happens.

So after school, I post a few things, and then go off. Like, an hour later, Esee and Stella go on at the same time. Then Esee calls me to say something related to our blog and then "has to go." I go on like another hour later, and I post a few things. Then Esee and Stella go on at the same time. Then Esee calls me to say something related to our blog and then "has to go." That's what happened today, at least.

A- College

Sorry, Stella, for copying your idea on what different stages of life will be like. Here's a situation that I imagine we'll all be in, starting from graduation day.

"WE'VE ALL GRADUATED!" Stella screamed. "I'm going to apply for an Ivy League college."
"IVY LEAGUE?" And hissed. "I'm going to the University of Washington."
"You guys are ALREADY thinking about college?" Esee laughed, "We're way to young." (Okay, so that's what Esee says now, but maybe it'll still be like that when we graduate from high school, haha)
"But we're GRADUATING," Stella remarked.
"I'll decide during the summer," Esee said. Stella and And rolled their eyes.

And then college...


Yeah, college sounds REALLY scary.

A- Evolution

"According to the dic-"And said.
"Tionary," Stella finished.
"The definition of the word blog is: "A Web site on which an individual or group of users produces an ongoing narrative," And finished.

The type of posts we've had since the start of this blog to... now, has changed a lot. Before, when Stella and Esee were only posting once a day, the posts were about what happened that day.

When everyone started obsessively posting, we ran out of talking about what we'd done. We had to write about something new. And it still had to be interesting. This was a hard task.

First, lists were a fun thing to do. Then, (in my case) I ran out of things to make lists for. So I've started to tackle subjects in general (haha very wordy, rhymes with nerdy). LIKE GUM! And then Stella did Elementary, middle, and high school! :)

So I need a subject now.


So, you mentioned there being a competition. I accept, haha.

I have started to not watch TV very much anymore because I'm constantly on this blog, trying to post more than Stella, haha.

Esee says that Stella will probably win. Well, that's probably true. But I'm still going to try, I don't give up THAT easily. (THAT?!!! haha)

In team tutorial, Roxy probably won't be able to post anything because she's to busy reading all our posts, LOL.

We've gone from 5 posts a day (which was YESTERDAY) to like 15 posts a day. OMG! This blog thing was such a good idea!

I'm totally obsessing over it!! WAHOOOOOOOO! I feel kind of crazy right now btw. :\\\\\\

S - how high school WILL suck and how it WON'T

High school. Oh, man. It seems so hard. Every grade counts. So, if I get a B, that's the end. I'll have a 3.8 instead of a 4.0, and I won't get into whatever Ivy League college I wanted to get into. LOL JK!!! High school seems so hard, and plus all your friends are growing up, and changing...way more than they did in middle school. But there will be so many new people! And we have a bigger school. Facebook statuses that are usually "single" will become "in a relationship" or "it's complicated". Suddenly, you won't be making funny faces in the halls with your friends. Instead, you'll be either saying a friendly and short and awkward "hi!" or flipping each other off.

But, maybe high school won't be that bad. I guess we'll just have to wait and see, will we? That's why this post is so much shorter.

9th Grade: "Hey, Frosh." "Uh...hey!" *draws nine on your forehead* "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET, FROSH! SENIORS RULE!" "Um, ok."
10th Grade: "Wait, WHO are you going out with?" "_____ _____" "Man, he's UGLY!" "No, he isn't! At least I'm not so ugly that no one wants to go up with me. "WAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!"
11th Grade: "Oh no, what am I going to wear for the prom?" "How about this?" "No, too sparkly." "This?" "Nah, too long." "This?" "Nah, too bright." "UGH!!!"
12th Grade: "Oh, my gosh! I HAVE to get my grades up or else I won't get into Harvard! Oh, no SATs! OH NO!!!! COLLEGE APPLICATIONS!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHH" "Don't worry about it, sweetie" "oh, no, I better worry about it."

i <3 baking

S - how elementary school suckED and how it DIDn't

Elementary school seemed like it lasted for EVER. 6 or 7 years in Elementary school. It means you have to have the same teacher for a WHOLE year. And that's kinda boring, especially if you are stuck with that one teacher that smells like used diapers and whips kids.

In Elementary school, recess was what you looked forward to most time. Now, recess is like a foreign word. It has turned into what Middle Schoolers call "the lunch break." But somehow, we've lost the urge for recess. Man, we sure wanted to get rid of recess fast.

Stages of Elementary School Drama:
1st Grade: "Do you like my new princess clip?" "HAHAHA No. It's ugly." "You're mean."
2nd Grade: "'Is' is spelled "I-S", not "I-Z". "No, it's I-Z!" "No!" "Uh-huh!" "No!"
3rd Grade: "Man, you're FAT!" "That's mean!" "Oh, well."
4th Grade: "I don't like Stella. She's too clingy." "I HEARD THAT!!!"
5th Grade: "That's so stupid!" "Whatever." "MWAHAHAHAHA!"
6th Grade: "Hey, you said I got to sit in the middle." "Oh...oops." "Well, I want to!" "Okay, fine!" "Maybe I won't, then." "Fine, I will!" "Okay, but you said I could." "FINE!" "Oh, no, it's okay." "WHAT THE HECK DO YOU WANT????"

i <3 baking

E- FYI....

just fyi ppl, I am not taking a part of the competition between And and Stella of who posts the most because I think that a blog should just be for fun and just post whenever.

But, i'm not critizing the fact that And and Stella are competing.
No offense, but I think that Stella will win but you never know. Is the competition for the month of june?

also, if Roxy got so she posted once a day, it would seem like she wasn't posting much because we post A LOT each day even though back in May, once a day was kind of a lot.

S - how middle sucks and how it doesn't

In the books, Middle School is a torture chamber. Friends ditch you, they turn "popular", bullies plunge your head into toilets, and you have loads of homework that make you stay up until 1:00 am. And they get ten minutes between each class.

In real life, middle school isn't so dramatic. Yeah, some of my friends HAVE become "cool". None of my friends ditched me, though. And no one has bullied me. Except one guy said that I was the ugliest that he had ever seen. WHO CARES ABOUT HIM??? And I barely have any homework.

Pros of Middle School: I like how we get to run around every day to different teachers. Like, if you really, really hate one of your teachers, you can look forward to going to the next class with your funny teacher. Also, you can sit anywhere you want at lunch, and we have lockers, which make me feel cool.

Cons of Middle School: WE only get four minutes in the hall. So we can't stop at the bathroom or anything. We have to go during class. And we can't drop our stuff at our lockers. We have to lug our 10 million ton backpacks around. And we don't get round tables at lunch. Some of us do, but most of us don't. :( Esee really wanted one.

It's always at the beginning of the year when everything gets assigned. Not officially, like classroom seats, but sort of...socially. Lunch room seats, for example. Everyday, the same people sit at the same spot. Mostly. You can't suddenly take over someone else's table at a totally different spot in the cafeteria with your huge group of friends. YOU HAVE TO DO THAT ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL.

i <3 baking

A- change

Can we change the appearance of our blog? It's really pretty but getting boring, I just can't live with the same thing forever.

I think we should switch the colors around, maybe a different layout or something and a few new features. If you agree with my idea, please say "like", if you don't, just say "not in agreement" and don't yell at me. haha

I hope this little idea doesn't turn into an argument like the face book one did. Well, it was kind of argument, maybe a disagreement. Anyways, some members of the blog were not happy at each other.


I know posts are supposed to be interesting, but i can't think of anything interesting at the moment. I guess I could call it writers block, but I am still writing, or else Stella and Esee will post a ton and I will never have more posts than them.


1. ENGLISH! Even though Mr. Antler """"""""""hates""""""""""" me, his class is still very fun for many reasons. a) I never do a thing, there's a so called- "working time" in English, but this class is to fun to do anything, and I would rather do my homework at home. In other words, I call this "working time", "socializing time" instead. Mr. Antler is very ignorant, and when he see's I've done practically nothing, he doesn't care because I'll have to do it for homework
2. Social studies. This class has been growing on me for a long time, and it used to be one of my least favorites, but it's really fun. In this class, you actually have to try,but it's still fun.
3. French. My ex-favorite. I miss Mrs. Whats-her-name, the one who came before Mrs. Stefonson. She is too strict and mean. But this class is still fun because all my friends are in it.
4. Ugh math is getting really annoying, but it's still okay
5. EW P.E.
6. Science= devastatingly boring

A- The high demand of gum

In preschool, you were cool if you had a 64 pack of crayons that had a pencil sharpener on the back. Back then, that's what everyone cared about.

In elementary school, you were cool if you had good food. Last year, I always had chips and candy and people would always ask me for some.

But in middle school, everything changed. GUM is what everyone desires, if you show someone your pack, they will keep begging you for gum until you give it to them. I've gotten better at saying NO!, but I try to prevent it.
In silent reading, I like to eat my gum so that I don't have to give any away in social studies. Stella is a very nice person that never even asks me for gum, but I give her some occasionally, because she doesn't ask.
The trick is (it's a dirty trick) is to say you don't have any gum when someone asks for some. So this conversation happens:
"Do you have any gum?"
"Oh" sighs.
Instead of this
"Do you have any gum?"
"Can I have some"


And then the person you didn't give gum to will hate you forever. So it's easier to fib, I say fib because it sounds better than saying lie.

A- Forgetful family members

As you probably know, my mom has a bad memory. Today, she LOST her credit card at a restaurant. NOT a very smart thing to do. But she found it again after about 2 hours of driving. Whew, but what a waste of gas and money.

She also went to the bank, so I hope she got me the $ she owes me! I'm kind of low right now.

BTW Esee, I think I can come to your B-day. I hope Stella and Roxy can come to!

We should have a page that's for really long stories, because I want to post a story that's like 18 pages long (that one that Sophie's obsessed with.) And amazingly, it's not a cheesy romance. Except for the beginning, but that doesn't really count.

I've decided to let go of the idea of posting our blog URL on face book, because half of the members on our blog do not agree with this (Esee and Roxy.) I will still try and show it to my friends, so we can get more followers.

Belle never writes much on her blog. Well, she still writes about the same amount, but it doesn't seem like much because now-a-days, I post like 10 things per day. I remember, a long time ago (a few days ago) when Esee told me that Belle posted almost everyday and I thought that was a lot. I was wrong.

I just noticed that every time Roxy goes onto our blog, she's gonna have a lot to read because she doesn't post much, since she doesn't have a computer.

A- Almost there...

Once upon a time, I had more posts that Stella. That was before she came online. And... it was about 2 HOURS ago. And it lasted about 5 minutes, because I had to delete one of my posts. Don't ask me why, it's a long story.

But now, Stella has like 5 more posts than me. I <3 how every time I come back on to check out our blog, there's like 10 new posts! I hope Roxy starts posting a lot, then things will start getting really exciting.

Esee told me the math test is easy. I HOPE SHE'S RIGHT! My grade needs to go up :)

Did anyone else make honor roll? I'm guessing you guys did, because you only have to have at least a 3.7.

DO you think they'd still take my track money for the party if I turn it in tomorrow? I doubt it. Have fun at the party Esee :(

E- Creativity is lacking

Well, as i'm sure Stella and And (and Roxy once she starts posting often) agree that it can be kind of hard to come up with new titles that haven't been repeated and still relate to what you are posting. Well, i find it especially hard because i just guess i'm not creative like that. But i guess that's just part of the fun of having a blog. But still, it is kind of hard.

Wow, that's a short post. But now i don't really care the length, but thx Stella for making some of your posts longer.


i'm sry i've been criticizing a lot of things lately. i guess i just want our blog to look good and stuff but in reality that's not going to happen, so i am going to attempt to stop criticizing things. But thank u Stella for doing what i asked but i don't really care anymore about short posts and random stuff like that.
so SRY about all that.
Also, i would just like everyone who is reading this to know that i am such a hippo (hypocrite). I often say things that I do too so sry about that too.

S - People

I have decided that I don't really like it when people keep asking for something again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would REEEAAAALLLLLY just like them to understand that we will do what they want us to do EVENTUALLY, when we FEEL LIKE IT. Thank you. :)

Me and And also really hate it when people ask for gum again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lately, this has been happening a lot to And. Also, me, but not as much. Which is good.

I'm going to show my song on the blog to people! And no one can stop cuz it's MY SONG!!! YAY!!!!

i <3 baking

A- Esee's B-Day

I'm really really really really really etc. curious about what we're doing at the mall at Esee's B-day! Esee won't tell me, or anyone else. Well, when I have a really juicy secret I'll trade it for what we're gonna do at the mall.

My guesses:
-Scavenger hunt (MY IDEA for my birthday, but my mom thought everyone would get "lost")
-Eat lunch there (LA---AAAA----MMMEEE, i hope you didn't do that or else I just dissed you)
-OMG SEE A MOVIE! (Hey, I bet this is right.)
-Window shopping? (yeah right, that would be totally pointless)

Please Esee, just tell me if one of the things on my list is correct.

I'm so glad you invited KENNY!!! But still, to bad you didn't invite your cousin Klara, she was nice.

I just noticed that all the people your inviting are like, my really good friends to. They'd all be the people I'd invite to my birthday


Here's something that anger's me. At my birthday, Esee had just gotten her phone.
"OMG EVERYONE look at my awesomely awesome brand new phone. OMG it has a full body keyboard. Hi Aide, even though your sitting right NEXT to me, I'm still going to text you," Elise screeched.

And now, on her invitation...(these aren't the exact words but close)
Please bring your phones, but do not obsessively text with them

And AHEM, look who was obsessively texting at MY B-day. hmphhhh :( I might get a phone JUST so I can obsessively text!

A- Walking home

Roxy is at the track meet, so I was going to walk home with Aide. But then, Aide didn't show up. She always tells me when she's not walking home, but I guess she forgot to today :( So I walked home alone today

I'm gonna make a list of the good and bad things that happened today:

My backpack was heavy
The band concert (no offense)
I can't go to the track party
It was squishy at lunch

I think I did pretty good on the social studies test
I got to put my heavy junk in Stella's locker until tomorrow (thnx stella)
I finally turned in my overdue library book
social studies was entertaining
People actually crowded around OUR BLOG in science, even though they were the song's that stella wrote, but maybe that mean's they'll look at it more

R & E- Roxy's first post

This is my (Roxy's) first post. YAY, finally. I think that we should be allowed to put any type of post on, unless its super short and stupid. ( --Cough, Cough-- spungebob and other random ones) It is really loud in here right now. Esee is dictating her homework to Adida. Elise just freaked out because MR. Wilmart walked in. I have to put together my practice calendar now. Esee is texting. tsk tsk.

No excuses. :)

I do too have an excuse. I was texting my MOM about how i would get home. that's important or else i would be ditched at skool and dat would be boring and bad.

I should probably do my work, even thou i'm not in the mood. oh well. bibi


I love how Stella always draws creepy pictures of zombies. It's very hilarious, especially her one that has a skeleton body and creepy eyes with spiky hair. Esee got very scared, and so did Shy Ann. I just forgot how to spell shy! haha

ME AND STELLA THINK that Esee should not criticize our posts so much. haha just kidding... in a way.

I AM DETERMINED TO STUDY, but I'm having so much fun on our blog. Me and Stella are trying to get in a lot of posts, but we're not going to make them really short now. And the only post that was short of mine was the Spongebob one. And Stella and Esee made a huge deal about it.

Esee thinks my posts are really boring, but sometimes hers are kind of boring to.

S - My Day

my day:

Science was fun. And sat with me and Phillipe. Also, Nikkyboo sat with us and we had a lot of fun talking with each other. Mostly all we did was decorate our rockets. And then we added some more stuff to to our rockets.

In math, we had a test. It was REEEEAAALLLLLYYYY boring. I think I did bad. :( But then again, people always think they do bad on the test, because they only think about the answers they think they got wrong -- not the good.

Right now, I should be studying about feudalism and stufff.Yeah, I thought I knew everything, but then I think I did bad on the test.:( :( :( i feel like a failure. Showered with B's!!!!!!!!!! WAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Affterwards, And had to stop at my locker to drop off her P.E. clothes. I didn't she was going to put her shoes in there, and so I screamed when she did (it would get my locker dirty). But then she put the soles together. Now my lockers stuffed with sweaty clothes. Oh, and BTW, one time, Thelonius put his shorts in my backpack. AND THEY WERE WET. :/

A- Today

All in all, today has not been a very good day for me. First of all (no offense to those band people) the band performance was kind of boring. Okay, really boring. It doesn't mean you guys sucked, I just hate listening to music without doing anything else. P.E. was exciting in a way, for one reason. Bulton, (nickname for this REALLY weird guy), I think is gay. In P.E. I was like, do you like Cassidy? And he was like, NO. And then I was like, ok... And then he went on and on about Mitchell. And I was like, DO YOU LIKE MITCHELL??? And he was like, well, that wouldn't exactly work. Meaning IT wouldn't work. He's a perve. And then Craig started freaking out.

Science was fun! A lot of new people got to see our blog, including Thelonius (nickname). He read Stella's songs about what we needed to study for the social studies test, and some other people read it to. Unfortunately, other members of the blog got kind of mad at u because there was some kind of personal information on this blog. JUST TO TELL THEM! *cough cough* Thelonius did not see any of the posts about the other members of this blog.

For some reason, today at lunch the special Ed kids sat on half of our table, so every one was squished to one side of the table and I could barely eat. Even though I like the Special ed kids, this made my day even worse. Also, my backpack is really HEAVY, because we had to take all our P.E. clothes home, but Stella says I can put it in her locker until tomorrow.

HAHAHA Esee, isn't this post long? Me and Stella think that we should be allowed to have short posts.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

E- MY EXTREME SKILLAGE, but then it dies off :/

ok, so I was bored and i needed to talk to Stella about a couple of things and i didn't really feel like waiting until school, so I called her. We talked for a bit but then she claimed she had to go. I didn't want her to go because I was (and still am) bored and I didn't feel like doing my math hw. So when Stella said, "i have to go" (the dreaded 4 word phrase in a phone convo, haha) i kept on saying, "resist the urge" over and over. In another phone conversation i had with Stella, she said the dreaded 4 word phrase (dare i mention it, lolz) and i kept on saying, "resist the urge" and similar stuff like dat. and it WORKED. Stella ended up staying on the phone for a little while longer. that is a great example of my extreme skillage. but today, i kept on saying "resist the urge" and it kinda worked, she stayed on the phone, but she was playing the piano, which was fine with me. but after a while, humming loudly and "la-di-dum"ing in tune to her song got a little hard and tiring. and then she repeated the 4 word phrase and ACTUALLY (as she said) "ACCIDENTALLY PUSHED THE BUTTON". sigh. I guess my extreme skillage can only last so long so it can "recharge" for another, important situation.

Oh by the way. it wasn't that dramatic. but if i told you it less dramatic, you would fall asleep, or something like dat cuz it's not a very interesting story, tehehe.

E- Concert

I don't want to go to the concert. It will be really boring and i'll have to miss my cousin's ballet. I'm not into ballet, but i like going to ones that my cousin is in. and i told Mr. Willmart that I couldn't go to the concert but he said I had to go unless i wanted to fail the class because the concert is worth 1/2 ur grade. i personally think that is unfair because well, i just do. the only way i could get out of the concert is if i wuz sick or i had a family emergency, OR i told him 2 weeks ahead of time and it was a reasonable excuse, or what he thought was reasonable. and that's totally not fair because my mom said i could go to the ballet a while ago because she didn't know we had the concert. She just found out about the concert yesterday and the concert is today :(

so that's my saddness of the day, kinda. haha


i have been obsessed with saying HEART instead of LOVE.
example: "I heart pears."
Esee thinks it's strange. >:/
My computer is SO warm right now. I need to keep studying. You should see my studying songs on the poetry and song page on our blog. They might help you. They helped me! And they were super fun to write. that's the main attraction of the blog that I have made today. :)


Least Posts: And
Most Posts: Esee and Stella (tied)
Most Interesting Posts: Esee
Most Boring Posts :D : And
Most Random Posts: Stella


AND'S COMMENT: no, YOU posted the least for MAY, smart one! and ROxy wasn't even in the blog in May. gosh.
i <3 baking

A- Poll results

Some polls have been up for a long time, and I think it's time for the results to come!

For favorite day of the week...

COOL EARRINGS DAY WINS with four votes and a total of 40 percent

Runner-up wins with singing day with three votes and a totaly of 30 percent

Rat-out day comes in last... I hate it to.

Steal while someone's looking day gets 1 vote with 10 percent, and everything except rat-out day gets 2 votes with 20 percent

And thankfully, that stupid poll about me getting kicked off :( got the most votes of "NO, I shouldn't be kicked off if I start participating." And LOOK, I am participating a lot now, more than Esee!!!

THANKS FOR VOTING!, everyone, there will be more polls.

S - doods, check this out (UPDATED)

hey guys,

check out the poetry corner and songwriting page. scroll down the page and you can see my songs! ask AND if you need help finding it.

oh, and btw, And, get rid of the spongebob post. it's really dumb. do i care if you plan to stare at lasagna?? :) jkjk.. but still. get rid of IT.

and the reason why ur "skillage" works, esee, is because i get guilty when i imagine pressing the END button, and then you in your room talking to no one. it makes me feel sad. that's what stops me from pressing the button. so you better be thankful that i'm so nice. HAHA.


i <3 baking

A- More about people now

Things I HATE about my friends (sorry to start out with the negative.)

1. When they want me to stop doing something, they team up on me instead of just saying it. *COUGH COUGH SNEEZE COUGH COUGH* Belle.

2. Sometimes they're in a really bad mood and don't talk to me. All of my friends do this sometimes.

3. When my friends act like what I think or do is stupid. *cough* Esee, when I was going to try on those sweatpants and you were like "OMG they're so UGLY" so I didn't want to try them on but did anyway.

4. When my friends care to much about what other people think

Here's where is gets sweet and sappy.
Things I LOVE about my friends

1. Stella- our problems relate and we can help each other... such as we both hate it when people treat us like we're really young
2. Esee- It's really entertaining to talk to you, and I could for hours
3. Belle- Your HILARIOUS, I love how you totally overreact
4. Roxy- That we have a lot of fun walking to school together
5. Man- That your really nice to me and always make me feel better
6. Aide- That you don't care about what other people think, and do such... entertaining things, such as going out with Evy.

Those are my BF's at school, but it feels like I'm forgetting someone

A - Lists

My most important possessions (that are not living)

0. My Money
1. My iPod
2. My bath and body works stuff
3. My lipgloss "collection"
4. er...

My top 4, or top 5. I started at 0 because I forgot to put money on it.

My favorite lip glosses:
1. Frozen Daquiri
2. Salt water taffy
3. Whipped Vanilla
4. Pine apple juice
5. P.S. I love you spring flAng

A - TV

Spongebob is the most... er... bad? (that was an edit in replace for retarded) TV show ever, no offense to people who love it. It's on, and I should really change it. I will after this post.

Lasagna is almost ready. MMMMMMNNNMMMMMM

ahhh... it's ready but too hot or something to eat. I'm gonna stare at it

Okay, I'm changing this super boring post. Everyone says it's like oh so boring and stuff, so I decided to change IT. (IT?????????)

When I looked at that thing that says how many posts each person has done, I saw how most people had like 20 and Roxy had ONE. No offense Roxy, even though you just joined. I'm a big hippo, (i know) because when I first joined I didn't post anything either.

In silent reading, Stella noticed that we posted more this month than we posted the whole of May. HAHAHAHA, must be because I joined and got really obsessed over it. When I first get into something I like, generally, I get really obsessed and start overdoing it way to much. For example:

-Littlest pet shops (ugg I HATE those stupid things) I got like over 100 and that was all I talked about for days
-Earrings (before I could even change my earrings, I had like 50 pairs and that was all I could talk about as well.)
-HAMSTERS (That was hilarious when we had those hamster lessons Esee.)
-Lip gloss (Normal people have 2 or 3, but when i got into it I had 18.)
-Bath and body works stuff (notice how I got a TON after my birthday? I'm trying to cut down haha)

My most obsessive= probably littlest pet shops. What was so great about those things that I had to get over 100. What a waaaaaaaaaaaste aaaaa $$$$$$$$$.

A - making our blog public

PLEASE check out my poll about making facebook public. HOPEFULLY you will vote yes. We need more followers! What's the point of having a blog and not wanting that many people to see IT! haha it... TODAY'S PERVERTED DAY! :)


Please Esee, comment on this and tell me what you think...

A- AHHHHH Stella posts so much

I can already tell that I'm never gonna post more than Stella. I give up, pathetic right? It's been like 3 days. But soon, I'm gonna post more than Esee. She always has to bribed to post things because she has such a "busy" schedule of texting, facebook-ing, and doing her homework very slllloooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyy. No O to her.

I still can't wait until Roxy POSTS SOMETHING!!!

Today, I got us a follower!!! OMG It happened in English, I forced her to (kind of.) I WANNA SEE HER BLOG!

I'm very bored right now, and hungry... The English room needs to smell better. I think it's Mr. Antler's reek because he can't smell anything.

MY FAVE. SONGS!!! are...

1. Nothing on you (thank you Esee, even though I really HATED that song at first, but you kept playing is over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over until I liked it)

2. Obsessed

3. Blah blah blah (This song is catchy and annoying at the same time.)

S - right now (UPDATED)

right now, i'm doing homework. I SHOULD be doing it, but i'm not. But i will after this VERY QUICK POST.
So yeah.

I am VERY frustrated with people who are obsessed with fashion. Just saying. :O
I am not excited for the social studies test tomorrow. I hate tests. Teachers are suddenly bombarding us with tests. ARGH.

Okay, I just looked on TV and I saw something rather....

I really like it when books are easy to hold, and a good size AND they are interesting. I prefer fiction to nonfiction. Nonfiction, a lot of the time, is really cheesy sounding when it's written, otherwise it's WAY too professional and the words are all crammed together in, like, size 2 print font. That's why I like autobiographies. Because they are written like fiction, but it's true. Well, kinda true. Sometimes, authors are biased.

i <3 baking

A - Weirdgreenman failing

I really can't wait for the math test on Friday. This probably sounds really weird, because no one looks forward to tests. The reason why I look forward to this test is Weirdgreenman.

In math, we were using those really awesome clicker thingys that work really bad, but they're still REALLY FUN! Weirdgreenman was drawing these really ugly pictures of really skinny people (the waists were the skinniest, like, as big as the legs) who were me, Esee, her, and Man. She wasn't really trying and kept copying my answers, so I stopped giving them to her, and she got like EVERYTHING wrong when she did them herself. She makes me LOL at how much she literally fails at math.

So I want the test to come so she can fail and I can get an A... or B... hopefully not a C.


So far, tests have been going pretty well. But tomorrow, there's a scary test. Adrienne got an F on it last year, and I'll probably do just as bad or even worse. I DON'T WANNA FAIL!

Apparently, when I said I wanted to post more than Stella, she "leapt into action" (she said THAT not me" OH NO we have to pack up. BYE

A, S- Silent Reading...,

Again, there is nothing to do in silent reading so I must post something on our blog. I don't really have any homework, and my silent reading book is really boring.

I REALLY want to put our blog's URL on Facebook, but apparently Esee thinks it would be weird if everyone saw it. They'd like, laugh at it, or something...Please, Esee? Can we do it? <---- IT???

The It part was Stella. I don't think anyone would laugh at it, and most people wouldn't even look at it. And me or Stella would put the URL on Facebook, so Esee wouldn't even have to be embarrassed!!!

Stella's getting a Facebook on Saturday! (As a lot of people probably know) but I CAN"T WAIT!!!! It'll be so fun to chat with her and stuff.

Stella's lap top DIED. R.I.P She can't do her Math homework now!!! Oh no-ish. I really don't want to go to math because it's really boring and I don't really get factoring. I do, but it's confusing.


Mr. Antler is looking at all the school design's and it's taking FOREVER and he doesn't notice when people have their computer's up. Like half the class does, including me. My keyboard is really loud because I type fast AND it's just naturally loud.

OOh only one left to show, I have to start typing faster. Mad-eye is kind of reading over my shoulder.

SORRY! I forgot to put the "A" at the bottom of the page. You can blame it on my bad memory Stella, haha.

Mad-eye is mad that I used the nickname Mad-eye so sorry Mad-eye! I hope she follows our blog!

OOH and this time, I put the "A" at the bottom of the page in labels for this post.

E- And, ur in trouble

Well, And ur not actually in trouble but yes, we do have a french test. Actually we have 3, i think. Or maybe she just put all the stuff into one test. I dunno. But i SWEAR that we are going to have a test so u should probably study And.

oh and And and Stella, the i hate it 2 when ppl act like ur younger than u actually r *cough* Evvi *cough*. it's totally annoying. like when i chat with this one person *cough* Evvi *cough*, who is only 1 yr older than me. He acts like 1 yr, is like a 5 yr difference and it's totally annoying!!!!!

WOAH, i posted 3 times in like 15 min. OH CRAP. I took 15 min posting. and it wuz only supposed to last like 5 cuz i still have hw. Crap. well i gtg

E- I'M SRY AND!!!!

i'm really sry And that i didn't end up posting last night. I wuz working on my hw like until 11:30. (and I actually wasn't procrastinating, unless u count txting, but I don't think dat counts) but i'm really sry cuz i said I would but I didn't. So i hope that posting in the morning of today, is ok with u. but I am still really sry!!!! (in case u didn't notice)


O rite, for all u ppl who rn't And prob don't know wat i'm talking about.
So And wuz bothering me last night to post so I promised I would post yesterday. But I got too tired and I had too much hw so I kinda forgot. So dat's y i'm apologizing.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A - tomorrow

I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope we don't have a French test tomorrow. Esee says we do, but I hope she's wrong. I'm not in the mood to study it though.

Crazy day- I hope Esee participates in it so me and Stella won't be the only one's. But Esee is really self conscious and might think people will laugh at her, so I don't think she will. No offense

TODAY"S BEEN GO:)D- I took two tests today. I think I did pretty good on both of them!!!! AND ALSO, one of them was a science test!!! (btw I always fail science tests, or D'ce them) And science wasn't completely horrible and unbearable like it usually is. It was kind of interesting. Kind of

Mad-eye needs to tell me the URL of her blog. I don't think Mad-eye is her actual nickname, but I forgot what it was. What's even the point of having a blog if you don't want anyone to see it?!!!!

I have to go now. PLEASE ROXY, POST SOMETHING. I guess this is how people felt when I didn't really do anything.

A - Posting more than Stella and Esee

This whole "trying to have more posts than Stella and Esee" thing totally isn't working. Stella posts a lot... which is a good thing. And Esee posts kind of a lot, like as much as I do NOW, because I used to not be "in" to this blog.

Roxy should post something because I'm really bored. My dad wants me to unload the dishwasher, but I don't really feel like it.

La la la, what should I wear for crazy day tomorrow? I'll just wear something... random. WHAT IF I FORGET? Oh no, I have a thing for forgetting things. Stella says I have a bad memory, which is kind of true. I"M NOT GONNA FORGET THOUGH.

Sorry Stella, I'm copying your idea because you have such good ideas. I'm gonna make lists.

Top 5 things I get annoyed by.
5. When Esee doesn't let me touch her lipgloss
4. When one of my friends always ignores me when they're with someone else.
3. When I always give people food, but when I ask for something from them, they say "NO."
2. When people act like I'm really young and stupid and make me feel like a baby.
1. When people reach into my backpack and take my gum, which is why I don't like JO .

S - mwahahahahaha

And, I was the one who came up with the chat thing. I feel loved.
UGHH IM SO BOORED. <-----that's how eeduh spells bored. It's catchy
Right now I'm as excited as HECK. I'll tell u why if u ask me at school. Esee and And know already though. Ooh, I suddenly have an urge to be mice. *nice

Reasons y I like and: she shares, she's nice and dummy *funny, and she's creative.
Reezuns y I like esee: she shares A LOT and she's girly, but being girly is part of who she is and she's nice that way. :)

i <3 baking

E- wow

WOW. THis blog has, amazingly, lasted a total of.................. 19 days. and here i thought i thought it would only last a week. Well that just roves not to listen to me.
YAY. It's june!!!!!!!! which means dat my birthday is really soon. As of today it's in 16 days. do the math. that mean's my b-day is on the 17th of june. which means I will FINALLY be a teenager. and I will know everything (inside joke). Almost everyone else is already 13 so i feel very young, but oh well. Not like I can help it or anything.

I have tons of homework because I didn't do it all, over the weekend. I would've but I was at my grandparent's beach house, against my own free will. But on the bright side, i'm not going next weekend so I can actually have fun. I'm not saying i didn't have fun this weekend, i did cuz my cousin Claira was there. But i would've rather stayed home. I prefer home most of the time.

S - thoughts (updated)

Please say "LIKE" in the comments if you agree to these things...

<3 Drawing on anything but paper. :)
Dumb blondes telling dumb blonde jokes. How ironic!
The feeling you get after running the mile.
Does anyone do this, too, or am I just a freak?

i love coming up with these things.


also, esee as complaining about how our blog posts are short. so I'm making them longer, which is why they are all "UPDATED". yeah.
we're probably gonna have, like 100 posts this month, because it's only June 2nd, and we have, like, 31 posts. OMG. once And gets obsessed, you never know what happens next.

i <3 baking


thanks to SOMEONE who posted "Test of Smartness", our blog looks terrible. and why are there two polls?

the reason why i don't have much time to post anymore is cuz i'm practicing my instrument. and it TAKES UP SO MUCH TIME. but i'll post way more stuff soon.


Today was really funny day. At school, we have Spirit Week. It was kinda lame today cuz barely anyone even know it was Decades day. I wore a Lei. Is that good enough? Tomorrow is "fashion disaster day". Esee is probably not going to participate, but I made And participate. If And forgets to wear ugly stuff, i'll blame it on her bad memory. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK!!!!!!! :) Left hand promise that I'm just JK-ing!
Anyways, I should get back to playing my instrument.

i <3 baking

A-No one ever posts anything these days...

Lately, I have been posting a lot, but suddenly, no one else has been doing anything. I'm a total hypocrite, because I used to not post anything, but still.

There's a social studies pop quiz tomorrow! Well, it's not a pop quiz anymore, since I've told a ton of people about it. It's kind of hard, but some people might not think so. For once, I have NO homework.

Just a random idea, but we should post our blog URL on face book so people will "check it out" haha. After all... we only have 4 followers.

In P.E, I really wanted to get a mile time, but that didn't end up happening, I always fail at the mile in P.E. Today, there were two groups, Group 1: Under 9 minutes Group 2: Over 9 minutes. I wanted to run in Group 1, but Phillips said she didn't want to, but we ended up doing it anyway. Let's just say that didn't go so well.
"If we run this last lap we'll make it in under 9 minutes!" I said cheerfully.
"I can't make it," Phillips said dramatically.
"I believe in you," I said, (very cheesy and kind of sarcastically.) And then we ended up walking. When we went to look at our times, we didn't do so well.
"Time please," the P.E. teacher said in a bored tone.
"9:59," I responded uncertainly.
"Are you SURE your in Group 1?" the P.E. teacher asked suspiciously. No, we were NOT sure. At least we tried... Even though it was embarrassing.