Tuesday, August 31, 2010

R-The last day of summer :(

Its raining on the last day of summer!!! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! (isn't this how I started my last post too?  Oh well.) Its not too cold for ice cream!! I had oreo and chocolate chip cookie dough.  I also made brownies when we got home.

I wish school was for one day and the rest of the year was break.   Getting ready to go to school is fun, but then actually going to school can get tiresome.   Or maybe we could just go to school and not have to do any work.  That would be better.  Also, school would have to be like 4 or 5 hours, not 6.

I had my first babysitting job today.  I worked four hours.  I babysat a three year old who lives down the street (well, on the next block, but I basically live on the corner so...ya).   Esee, you said you might be doing this soon...

I hope I don't bomb my summer homework.  That would be horrible.  I worked a long time on it.  Even though Esee helped me a little.  Hopefully Mrs. Dryden doesn't give as much homework as she's supposed too.  I really don't want to do more of the same stuff that we did this summer.

Oh yeah, I'm sad because I can't go to Belle's birthday party because we're going backpacking.  Hopefully it won't rain for that too. It did last year and we canceled our trip.  We probably won't cancel this year though because we get to stay in these neat shelter things instead of a tent.  And we had to get a permit to go on this trip.

Esse--you need to post more
And--you need to post more

I am not looking forword to soccer practice.  It will be cold.  They should not be allowed to have soccer practice on the last day of summer.  They can have it on the first day of school instead.   Unfortunately, 3 people on our team don't go to the same school as me, so they would have to have practice on the last day of summer.  I guess that its okay that its raining because then at least I don't miss anything exciting by going to soccer practice.  Also, I won't be really hot.  I still don't want to go though. 

Stella, why were you on a boat??

See you all next month.

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