Saturday, May 24, 2014

S - Musings

TOMORROW! I am going to Folklife! I am super duper excited to see And and my other good friend who I haven't seen in a while. Esee, you should post more. Summer is only in a few weeks! Can you believe it? I'm excited for sunny days and no homework. Except it kinda sucks that this Memorial Day Weekend is supposed to be cloudy and rainy.

Junior year is almost over, and we are going to be HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS. Except I feel like I won't be basking in the glory of being at the top of the food chain because:

  • My main goal will be to leave high school quickly 
  • Trying to handle the homework and all the applications and paperwork
  • People will probably think I'm still a sophomore
Sometimes I like watching makeup tutorials on Youtube for fun, even though I'm not actually going to try the make up tutorial on myself. It's just cool seeing the technique of the Youtubers and how perfectly they do everything. But I always get really uncomfortable when they line their waterlines. 

In response to And's post about Tumblr - I AGREE SO MUCH! People on Tumblr seem to wallow in a pool of self-pity. Okay, if you don't like your life, and you're so sad about it, you can't just keep being sad, and blogging quotes like, "She was so lost, she couldn't find herself" on your blog that are actually things that you wish that other people would say about you. YOU need to take initiative and change your life and make it for the better. No one is going to save you - you have to save yourself, because in the end, all you have is yourself. And also on Tumblr, a lot of people try to act more artsy and deep than they really are. 


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