Monday, May 26, 2014

E- So Many Thoughts...

So I just have many comments to make about previous posts.

Stella said that her music taste has gotten a lot better now. Honestly, mine has hardly changed at all. I still enjoy listening to a lot of my old favorite songs, and the music I listen to now is pretty similar. The only think that has changed is that I have slightly broadened my horizons of what music I'll listen to... but only slightly. For example I'll listen to some Of Monsters and Men, Florence and The Machine, Florrie, Mumford and Sons, and such. But that hardly counts as expanding my range of music.

And said, "Esee says that we have matured and stopped saying weird things, but don't forget, "oh bahh"". Good point, I do still say some weird things, but I definitely think we have improved loads. Remember, "yea homedawg", "oh snapdragons", and such? Remember the social studies video we made and And convinced us to yell "Yea homedawg" at the end super loud and it was soooo embarrassing when we presented the video to the class? Well my brother still has that video and apparently he has shown it to his friends on a couple occasions because he's really proud of the high cinematography quality of it- that's really embarrassing...

Also, Roxy is being a poop head and not posting!!! She even told me that she's gone on the blog and read some of the new posts. But for some reason she isn't posting *HINT HINT* and I gave her all the log in information so she has no excuse.

In response to Stella's thoughts on The Fault in our Stars, I agree with you so much!!! Like sure, I don't know what its like to have cancer and what mindset you might be in, but the way Augustus talks is totally unrealistic of a high schooler. But I also have other problems with the book besides that. I found it to just be a sappy love story about high schoolers that have cancer (I'm sorry if I sound insensitive towards cancer, that's not my intentions).

And, I agree with you so much about tumblr! When I first joined, I followed all the blogs I could possibly find, and then a while later I was like, shoot I follow waaaay too many people. So I spent a long time sorting through the blogs I followed to see if I actually liked them and then unfollowed or continued following accordingly. Also, And, what is your tumblr url? I forgot it... Something about macaroni and Urban Outfitters? Or did you change it?

Guys, I really like the dog of the day. They are always super cute!

Sorry I haven't posted much. I posted this super long post but then I felt bad and took it down. I've been meaning to post more, I just haven't had much to post about. Which is why it's funny how And posted a list of her pet peeves because I was literally thinking today that I should start keeping track of my pet peeves and that it would be something I could post about on this. So maybe once I have a decent list, I'll post mine too.

Stella, I enjoy watching Youtubers sometimes too! I generally prefer the challenge videos and British Youtubers. Watch this video: I was almost crying of laughter from it.

Also, I have a comment about one of the things Stella said but this post is getting super long so I'll say it in a different post later. Sorry for how long this is! I've just had many things to say.

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