Monday, May 26, 2014

A- My pet peeves

-When people cancel/ flaky people- If you made plans, they should be serious and you should stick with them because you gave your word. You just wasted my day, which I could have planned something new to do. 
-When a lot of stock is put into potential- potential wont get you anywhere in life, and they have done nothing to be born with that potential. Stock should be put into achievement or how hard people try. 
-Underwear lines- though this is really unreasonable because its not up to me to dictate what people wear. 
-Slut-shaming- It seems guys do this because there are girls out there getting laid more than them, and girls do this because they think other girls are disgracing the feminine decency or something. But this isn't always true, just what I think I've observed. Slut shaming is also sexist, because it only applies to girls. And also, they aren't hurting anyone but only doing something pleasing for themselves and one (or multiple) other people. 
-The need for people to feel better than others- Craig, enough said. *
-When I'm late- yes, it is possible to be annoyed by yourself 
-When people are self-pitying because they're not in a relationship- Indicates that your happiness is derived from being in a relationship which kind of saddens me but I guess if you are sad without a relationship that isn't your fault. *
-Desperate people- you have just told me you would basically date anyone, and now you are coming on to me? Hmm, well don't I feel special now. *
-Home by Phillip Phillip and let her go by passenger- These songs just make me want to puke. The lyrics are so generic and cheesy and the singer portrays the ideal wants-to-fall-in-love-lovey-dovey-downtoearth-sentimental-guy and bleck. But this is also unreasonable because no ones forcing me to listen to them and some people might like these songs which is cool I guess.....

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