Monday, May 19, 2014

E- Excessive Organization

So, I've realized my need to be organized/I-don't-know-what-else-to-call-it is getting a bit excessive. Last night, I stayed up an hour later than I intended because I was organizing my closet, so I ended up going to sleep at 12:30 or so. And knowing me and how little sleep I get, I could have used the extra hour. But instead I organized my closet- like who does that?? Me. But hey, I enjoyed it and it was very satisfying afterwards so that's good right?
Another example is when I was getting myself a snack after school, and I decided to get myself crackers and cheese. And there's that whole problem of not wanting way more crackers than cheese and vice versa. But you can't get the same number of crackers as cheese because I use 2/3 of a slice of cheese per cracker. So I literally stood there and did the math so I would have the exact right number of crackers to go with my slices of cheese. I dunno about you but that seems a bit excessive. And it's only a snack! It's literally no big deal, but I make it one ahaha.
But lets be honest, does any of this come as a surprise to you? My guess is no ahah.
I'm so weird...

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