Friday, May 30, 2014

S - Things that make me angry/pet peeves

Thanks And for the inspiration for this post! This is also a pet peeves post, but it also includes things that are not as petty as pet peeves.

-Driving while high or drunk - This is an issue that just makes me SO, SO, SO, SO, SO, so MAD. I literally start grinding my teeth whenever I think about this because it makes me JUST. SO MAD. You can drink and smoke all you want, but it is just really rude if your habit hurts other people, or you try to force it onto other people who don't want to do it in the first place. Not sure if you knew about this, but instead of driving drunk or high, you can easily just not drive, wait until you aren't high or drunk, or get someone else to drive, or just stay over at someone else's house and wait for the next day to drive home. It is better than risking tons of people's and INNOCENT PEOPLE'S lives for something you can easily not do! If you get a punishment for your behavior, whether your friends, the law, or your parents give this punishment, you should endure it, for a mindless decision that hurts innocent people, AND YOURSELF, that you could have prevented easily.

-When people who think other people are "stupid" for having different beliefs - yeah okay I respect that you have an opinion but other people have different life experiences and they might value different things from you. They're not dumb just because they think that something else different from you. **This peeve does not apply if it is an unarguably morally wrong opinion like "rape is okay".

-When people act like they're way older and wiser than you when they're only like 6 months older

-When people treat you like nothing in front of other people - Ok, first of all, that's rude. You're nice to me when we're alone, but once there's other people watching, you treat me like I'm not cool enough for you? Screw you, honestly.

-People who try to be friends with everyone you're friends with just because you're friends with them (no proof that this actually happens, but its annoying to think about)

-People who act deep, wise, and/or artsy when they actually aren't (Tumblr.......)

-When people make you wait when you hang out - This isn't that big of a deal if it only happens a few times, or if it's only waiting like 5 minutes. But after a while, always having to wait for you to redo your makeup, change your outfit 50 times, and go to the bathroom for more than 20 minutes at a time just gets old.


-Pretentious people

-When people brag a lot /always talk about themselves/always bring the conversation back to themselves

I also agree with And on the cancelling thing (even though I have done it a few times, SORRY!). I don't hate it as much if people cancel like a few days in advance, but it is really inconsiderate if you cancel literally the day of (unless it's an emergency or something like a family issue came up).

WOW ESEE I'M SO GLAD THAT SOMEONE AGREES WITH ME ABOUT THE FAULT IN OUR STARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 26, 2014

E- So Many Thoughts...

So I just have many comments to make about previous posts.

Stella said that her music taste has gotten a lot better now. Honestly, mine has hardly changed at all. I still enjoy listening to a lot of my old favorite songs, and the music I listen to now is pretty similar. The only think that has changed is that I have slightly broadened my horizons of what music I'll listen to... but only slightly. For example I'll listen to some Of Monsters and Men, Florence and The Machine, Florrie, Mumford and Sons, and such. But that hardly counts as expanding my range of music.

And said, "Esee says that we have matured and stopped saying weird things, but don't forget, "oh bahh"". Good point, I do still say some weird things, but I definitely think we have improved loads. Remember, "yea homedawg", "oh snapdragons", and such? Remember the social studies video we made and And convinced us to yell "Yea homedawg" at the end super loud and it was soooo embarrassing when we presented the video to the class? Well my brother still has that video and apparently he has shown it to his friends on a couple occasions because he's really proud of the high cinematography quality of it- that's really embarrassing...

Also, Roxy is being a poop head and not posting!!! She even told me that she's gone on the blog and read some of the new posts. But for some reason she isn't posting *HINT HINT* and I gave her all the log in information so she has no excuse.

In response to Stella's thoughts on The Fault in our Stars, I agree with you so much!!! Like sure, I don't know what its like to have cancer and what mindset you might be in, but the way Augustus talks is totally unrealistic of a high schooler. But I also have other problems with the book besides that. I found it to just be a sappy love story about high schoolers that have cancer (I'm sorry if I sound insensitive towards cancer, that's not my intentions).

And, I agree with you so much about tumblr! When I first joined, I followed all the blogs I could possibly find, and then a while later I was like, shoot I follow waaaay too many people. So I spent a long time sorting through the blogs I followed to see if I actually liked them and then unfollowed or continued following accordingly. Also, And, what is your tumblr url? I forgot it... Something about macaroni and Urban Outfitters? Or did you change it?

Guys, I really like the dog of the day. They are always super cute!

Sorry I haven't posted much. I posted this super long post but then I felt bad and took it down. I've been meaning to post more, I just haven't had much to post about. Which is why it's funny how And posted a list of her pet peeves because I was literally thinking today that I should start keeping track of my pet peeves and that it would be something I could post about on this. So maybe once I have a decent list, I'll post mine too.

Stella, I enjoy watching Youtubers sometimes too! I generally prefer the challenge videos and British Youtubers. Watch this video: I was almost crying of laughter from it.

Also, I have a comment about one of the things Stella said but this post is getting super long so I'll say it in a different post later. Sorry for how long this is! I've just had many things to say.

A- My pet peeves

-When people cancel/ flaky people- If you made plans, they should be serious and you should stick with them because you gave your word. You just wasted my day, which I could have planned something new to do. 
-When a lot of stock is put into potential- potential wont get you anywhere in life, and they have done nothing to be born with that potential. Stock should be put into achievement or how hard people try. 
-Underwear lines- though this is really unreasonable because its not up to me to dictate what people wear. 
-Slut-shaming- It seems guys do this because there are girls out there getting laid more than them, and girls do this because they think other girls are disgracing the feminine decency or something. But this isn't always true, just what I think I've observed. Slut shaming is also sexist, because it only applies to girls. And also, they aren't hurting anyone but only doing something pleasing for themselves and one (or multiple) other people. 
-The need for people to feel better than others- Craig, enough said. *
-When I'm late- yes, it is possible to be annoyed by yourself 
-When people are self-pitying because they're not in a relationship- Indicates that your happiness is derived from being in a relationship which kind of saddens me but I guess if you are sad without a relationship that isn't your fault. *
-Desperate people- you have just told me you would basically date anyone, and now you are coming on to me? Hmm, well don't I feel special now. *
-Home by Phillip Phillip and let her go by passenger- These songs just make me want to puke. The lyrics are so generic and cheesy and the singer portrays the ideal wants-to-fall-in-love-lovey-dovey-downtoearth-sentimental-guy and bleck. But this is also unreasonable because no ones forcing me to listen to them and some people might like these songs which is cool I guess.....

Saturday, May 24, 2014

S - Musings

TOMORROW! I am going to Folklife! I am super duper excited to see And and my other good friend who I haven't seen in a while. Esee, you should post more. Summer is only in a few weeks! Can you believe it? I'm excited for sunny days and no homework. Except it kinda sucks that this Memorial Day Weekend is supposed to be cloudy and rainy.

Junior year is almost over, and we are going to be HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS. Except I feel like I won't be basking in the glory of being at the top of the food chain because:

  • My main goal will be to leave high school quickly 
  • Trying to handle the homework and all the applications and paperwork
  • People will probably think I'm still a sophomore
Sometimes I like watching makeup tutorials on Youtube for fun, even though I'm not actually going to try the make up tutorial on myself. It's just cool seeing the technique of the Youtubers and how perfectly they do everything. But I always get really uncomfortable when they line their waterlines. 

In response to And's post about Tumblr - I AGREE SO MUCH! People on Tumblr seem to wallow in a pool of self-pity. Okay, if you don't like your life, and you're so sad about it, you can't just keep being sad, and blogging quotes like, "She was so lost, she couldn't find herself" on your blog that are actually things that you wish that other people would say about you. YOU need to take initiative and change your life and make it for the better. No one is going to save you - you have to save yourself, because in the end, all you have is yourself. And also on Tumblr, a lot of people try to act more artsy and deep than they really are. 


Thursday, May 22, 2014

A- tumblr

So when I first joined tumblr, I was only following like 2 people. And so I thought, why don't I just follow every blog in my vicinity? And so, whenever I saw a blog, no matter how lame their posts were and how ugly their blog was, I just followed it anyways. Now my news feed is clogged with crap I don't care about. Especially girls posting their star bucks drinks and their perfect food and stupid quotes. Or there's the people who are like, Omg-I'm-so-alone-someone-find-me-a-boyfriend-and-I'm-so-sad-and-ugly-and-no-one-loves-me! I found some really awesome blogs but only a few, and their stuff never comes up when I'm going through my news feed because its only like 1% of it.
I wish I could just unfollow all the stupid blogs! I've spent the lasts half an hour unfollowing blogs I hate which is like everything but it takes so long and I'm still following 350 horrible blogs. uggh
Lesson to take out of this: when you first get a tumblr, don't fret that you're not following anyone. If you follow bad blogs in the beginning, bad blogs will come up on the SIDE for you to follow and you, being a stupid young tumblrer, will follow those stupid blogs.
Is there like a button to erase all the blogs I'm following?
Anyways I had to rant because everyone is so annoying on tumblr but I could just quit but I'm not going to.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

S - Rant About The Fault in Our Stars

Okay, before I begin this rant. John Green is a great author, with a really good writing style. He has other really good books and really good ideas and an eloquent way of expressing his ideas, but I just need to DISCUSS MY FEELINGS about The Fault in Our Stars right now.

My biggest problem with the book is the characters. Augustus and Hazel. They have cancer, and they live close to death - I UNDERSTAND. It is sad, and they have a different perspective and life. But I literally do not see a time where I will meet teenagers who talk with metaphors and similes and deep reflections on life like (below is an example of a situation in which two teenagers are talking. One responds like how Augustus and Hazel do):

Teenager 1: why do u like me so much
Teenager 2: I’m in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we’re all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we’ll ever have, and I am in love with you.
Teenager 1: ok


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

S - BLOG RESPONSES and Updates

Hope everybody is having a great Tuesday! Tomorrow is the middle of the week, so after you get past Wednesday, the week is basically done with. Well, maybe that's a bit of a stretch.

I am laughing at the post "Wasted Opportunities" because it sounds like a deep reflection on life, when it really wasn't. Well, I guess it kind of was a deep reflection, but it wasn't presented deeply. In the-person-who-I-will-not-name's defense, he was not THAT hot.

In response to Esee's post, WOW Esee your room must be really organized. I haven't seen your room in almost three years. Have you made any big changes to it?

Tomorrow I have an UV test to study for (not the real name of the test, I'm making sure that internet creepers don't find out what academic program I am in). Wish me luck you guys! I am kind of stressed out, but I am not trying to freak out too much. 

I am super duper excited for folklife!!! Except I was really disappointed that I'm not seeing And. Oh well. 

When does SC get out for summer?

Also has Roxy been alerted of the blog's revival.


A- Wasted opportunities

Recently, I have seen a lot of open windows of opportunity that have been thoughtlessly passed by. It's such a waste to me when someone gets an opportunity to get something that I really want, but they don't take it or refuse it. One of my friends, Christy, heard that this really hot guy named Jus was going to ask her to prom. Thought he is extremely hot, she decided that she was afraid of black d**** and didn't really want to go with him :'( This is one of the biggest wasted opportunities I have ever seen.
Another person I know, who's name I won't name, didn't immediately take the offer of a really hot guy asking her to star bucks.
These chances will never come again! You'll probably never regret the things you did, but you will always regret the things you didn't do!
So this kind of interesting guy was going to ask me to prom, and I was talking to Aids and she said that if she were me, she would have said yes just to go and that I could have just hung out with her and her friends. I feel like prom would be really fun, but I don't want to go with him and I feel like I'd be using him just to go. But anyways, I feel like this is kind of a wasted opportunity even though I'm not going.

A- In response to excessive organization

Before you read this, read E's post right before this one.
That made me laugh so hard! I must add to the list. Whenever I eat a tic tac from E's, she makes sure that one of us eats the light pink one and one of the dark pink one so there's an equal amount. And on the subject of candy, whenever E gets a new box of candy she has to sort the things into piles. Not to mention, her closet is organized in rainbow order. I know that after you pick on yourself, other people shouldn't pick on you but I couldn't help it.

Monday, May 19, 2014

E- Excessive Organization

So, I've realized my need to be organized/I-don't-know-what-else-to-call-it is getting a bit excessive. Last night, I stayed up an hour later than I intended because I was organizing my closet, so I ended up going to sleep at 12:30 or so. And knowing me and how little sleep I get, I could have used the extra hour. But instead I organized my closet- like who does that?? Me. But hey, I enjoyed it and it was very satisfying afterwards so that's good right?
Another example is when I was getting myself a snack after school, and I decided to get myself crackers and cheese. And there's that whole problem of not wanting way more crackers than cheese and vice versa. But you can't get the same number of crackers as cheese because I use 2/3 of a slice of cheese per cracker. So I literally stood there and did the math so I would have the exact right number of crackers to go with my slices of cheese. I dunno about you but that seems a bit excessive. And it's only a snack! It's literally no big deal, but I make it one ahaha.
But lets be honest, does any of this come as a surprise to you? My guess is no ahah.
I'm so weird...

A- Life and more

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Sunday, May 18, 2014

S - Reflections on the Atmosphere of this Blog

I FEEL LIKE THE BONDS WITHIN our "possey" THAT WERE WEAKENING HAVE BECOME REVIVED AGAIN UPON READING THESE POSTS. I still have not heard from Roxy but I think it's because she has not been informed yet.

Sometimes when I miss SC I think about funny memories of our possey from elementary school to freshman year. Here are a few:
  • The egg wedding (I have several pictures on my phone if anyone needs reference)
  • 3rd period geometry, grade 8
  • Homecoming and how we all danced awkwardly
  • Halloween trick or treating when weirdgreenman made us like 20 minutes late and everyone was mad


A-Hey y'all

I'm so happy that this blog is started up again! Looking at the past history, it seems that all of us stopped writing for long periods of time. It's so funny to see how dumb we were/are, and I just had the biggest flashback to 7th grade. Esee says that we have matured and stopped saying weird things, but don't forget, "oh bahh"
It would be really fun to have a possey reunion (spelled wrong on purpose)
Remember when we used to all eat together everyday and we had days in the middle and we had like a designated table? Now we all eat at different place AND different schools *stella*
I'll try really hard to post often!!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

S - WE'RE BACK (kinda)

Hello fellows of the blogging world! THIS BLOG IS BACK. Well, it's half revived. 1/2 of our members have remembered that the blog exists and are willing to continue to make it a thing. Hopefully the others will remember it, too. Except we probably won't post like every hour like we did in middle school. Probably just a few times a month. But I think that's how a blog is actually supposed to work.

Anyways, here is an update on the highlights of the past few years, so that you kinda know what's been going on:
2011-2012: High school was weird and we were all awkward ducklings with yellow fuzz. E and I were obsessed with tumblr.
2013-2014: Things kinda got less awkward. Everyone got really cool and E got an iPhone. S switched schools. Esee and And got licenses.
2013-2014: Everyone is really busy and assimilated into high school. A is taken now. R is still sporty and in crew.

Well, hope you're all doing well!

BTW - If you were reading those lists I made of my favorite songs from middle music taste is a lot better now. I cringe as I read those lists.


E- WOW! Thanks to S, I just found this blog again!

Ahaha, wow. Long time no see to this blog. I had totally forgotten about it! It's so amusing to look back and read about all the things we were doing in middle school, and all the things we were obsessed with and the way that we typed/talked (actually that was mostly me, not the others). But wow, this blog is amazing. We can NEVER delete any of the old posts. It'll be fun to come back and look at them like I'm doing right now.
I feel like so much has changed since this blog was active but really, not actually that much. We are just more mature now (thank goodness for that) and in high school and Stella is at a different school than the rest of us.
Guys... I don't know how practical this would be or even if the rest of us will catch on, but I actually think it would be so cool to start posting on this blog again! Then we could see how things have changed and it would be a way to keep in better touch with Stella. Just a thought though. But I'm gonna try to talk individually to everyone about it. It could be fun!!
Thanks again Stella for reminding me about this blog, because I had totally forgotten about it and probably would have never remembered it if it wasn't for you!