Tuesday, August 31, 2010

R-The last day of summer :(

Its raining on the last day of summer!!! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! (isn't this how I started my last post too?  Oh well.) Its not too cold for ice cream!! I had oreo and chocolate chip cookie dough.  I also made brownies when we got home.

I wish school was for one day and the rest of the year was break.   Getting ready to go to school is fun, but then actually going to school can get tiresome.   Or maybe we could just go to school and not have to do any work.  That would be better.  Also, school would have to be like 4 or 5 hours, not 6.

I had my first babysitting job today.  I worked four hours.  I babysat a three year old who lives down the street (well, on the next block, but I basically live on the corner so...ya).   Esee, you said you might be doing this soon...

I hope I don't bomb my summer homework.  That would be horrible.  I worked a long time on it.  Even though Esee helped me a little.  Hopefully Mrs. Dryden doesn't give as much homework as she's supposed too.  I really don't want to do more of the same stuff that we did this summer.

Oh yeah, I'm sad because I can't go to Belle's birthday party because we're going backpacking.  Hopefully it won't rain for that too. It did last year and we canceled our trip.  We probably won't cancel this year though because we get to stay in these neat shelter things instead of a tent.  And we had to get a permit to go on this trip.

Esse--you need to post more
And--you need to post more

I am not looking forword to soccer practice.  It will be cold.  They should not be allowed to have soccer practice on the last day of summer.  They can have it on the first day of school instead.   Unfortunately, 3 people on our team don't go to the same school as me, so they would have to have practice on the last day of summer.  I guess that its okay that its raining because then at least I don't miss anything exciting by going to soccer practice.  Also, I won't be really hot.  I still don't want to go though. 

Stella, why were you on a boat??

See you all next month.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

S - Dude

Dude. This blog is, seriously, like, sadddddddd. It feels gray and lonely because And and Esee aren't posting. :(

Today was an interesting day. Kinda not really. I went to the library and got a book called...oh, man, I forgot. Oh wait, it's called The Fortunes of Indigo Skye. I think so. It sounds good, I've only read a little bit so far. It's about a girl who is kind of poor, but she has a loving life with a perfect job (as a waittress). Then, one day, one of the customers at her shop give her 2.5 million dollar tip, and then she turns all materialistic or something. If anyone wants to borrow it, tell me! :D

Also, on Facebook, ANYONE who is reading this, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE join a group that I made with Sabrina Fresker-Advokez. It's called "apple juice bellies are better than beer bellies :)" Please join. It'll only take a few seconds. Thankies.

Well, that's pretty much it. Did you know raspberries are sweeter if you mush them up in your mouth with your tongue instead of just chew them? Try it.


Friday, August 27, 2010

S - I'm on a boat

I'm on a boat and I am very uncomfortable. I'm c old and tired and I feel dirty amd gross. Ad my clothes are ugly and my shoes feel gross and werid. And the Floors dirtyish. ... At least it gives me transportation

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I can't believe its raining?  Its August, right?? 

Stella, I like your fashion ideas a lot.

Oh yah, today I got my hair cut.  It is A LOT shorter.

I am getting closer to finishing my essay.  I wonder how hard she will grade them?  Hopefully not too hard because I don't think mine's as good as it could be 'cause I out of practice.

And and Esee neeeeeeed to post some soon. 

See you all soon.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Yesterday was really fun because we went swimming with my neighbor and she showed us this really awesome beach at Magnusun Park where there aren't any lifeguards.  It was really cool because it dropped off really quickly so you could only wade out like five feet.  Also, we sas ths police boat go SUPER fast and that was cool.  Skye, who normally won't go in the water actually swam by herself a few times after we threw the ball in for her once or twice.   We had to call her back because we didn't know ho strong she was and didn't want to go save her.  Hee hee.  It was actually really funny.  Matt wants me to say that he got a really cool rock.  We are going again today, but bringing goggles so that we can search for stuff on the bottom. Speaking of stuff on the bottom of a lake, I never found my watch.  I also got my another sun burn last weekend when we went rafting.  Now my shoulders are really tan, and a little bit red. I am still working on my essay because I am not as eficient or responsible as Stella.  I guess I should get back to working on it.


Monday, August 23, 2010

S - Fall Fashion...OMG

Yeah, I really don't want to know what Seventeen and Teen Vogue had to say about fall fashion, but this is what my taste is. (Predictable comments: wow, your sense of style sucks like crap...Well, whoever is going to post that comment, I will thank you ahead of time. Crap isn't all that bad to suck like.)

Tops: Bright colors really work. Like, bright yellow, to stand out against the orange leaves? I'm just picturing how this stuff would all look like in my mind in the fall setting. Also, other colors like a chocolatey brown, grey, and maybe some christmas red would work well. But don't wear orange too much. You can wear it on Halloween and after.

Bottoms: Jeans, duh. That's the classic bottom clothing for all seasons, but fall is also a great time for this. If you want to wear shorts, wear boots with those. And for skirts, mini skirts would work well. Not that I'll ever wear one, but just saying to those who would. And to those who dare follow my fashion skills.

Shoes: Boots, same color choices for the above "top" colors. Also, Converse, converse, and converse again. CONVERSE SNEAKERS. Yes, indeed. Those are a HUGE yes. And of course, if you would like, running shoes.

Accessories: Lots of necklaces. But only people in magazines do that. Just your regular jewelry. And definitely scarves and headbands. Definitely.

i <3 baking

S - wierdgreenman has a blog!!! and other stuff

Okay, on request, Sop -- eh heh heh, I mean, wIErdgreenman has requested that I spell her name that way. I think. Instead of weirdgreenman. So, yeah. And, wierdgreenman has been managing a blog with Peedunkey Mufkin (don't care, wierdgreenman, about what she calls herself now). I totally forgot what the name of the blog is though.

I wish that we had more followers. Or at least people who cared about our blog. I sent an email out to a bunch of people but they kinda sorta insulted a post, and no one actually followed. I hope more people (whom we know) will actually follow our blog soon. I think Esee and And have forgotten about our blog -- for now. They'll remember it later. Or else they're just ignoring it. Oh, I'm just going to stop blogging about Esee and And because no one blogs about me. And plus they're not doing much. GASP. THE CREATORS OF THIS BLOG ARE NOT DOING MUCH.

Yes. And for that person (known as Anonymous) who said that my new way of typing (with only the finger tips is very common) I am now resting my palms against the keboard "like everyone does"! Not that you would actually care that much. Well, I'm going to stop raving and start checking out other people's blogs. Roxy stopped posting once I started psoting. This saddens me. :'(


i <3 baking

Saturday, August 21, 2010

S - okay, i give up

ALRIGHT I GIVE UP. I'm going to resist from my own restraint. Lol, ironic, isn't it? AND POST TO MY HEART'S CONTENT! I SHALL CLOG UP CYBERSPACE!!! MWAAHAAHAHAHA! Okay, not really. But at least I'm not using paper and wasting trees. Sigh. I'm so bored. I actually DID just sigh.

Well, I'm bored. Bored, bored, bored. Remember when the blog was so much more interesting back in June when And was obsessed with trying to get more posts then me and then we kept getting, like, 50 posts a day? Sigh. Again. Ahh, reminiscing is a bittersweet hting.

I have devised a new way of typing. Without resting my palms on the keyboard, so it's only my finger tips touching the computer! It's a lot crisper and cleaner, and quicker and fresher. It's fun.

Well, yes. That's it for now. Maye I'll go on Facebook.

S - Jason Advokez: He Was a Great Dude

Okay, as you know, Jason Advokez, a poser, a fake, a celebrity of all girlkind was recently mauled by a gorilla as he trekked through the Amazon in search of an interesting mountain to take a snapshot of. He was an avid hiker who lived taking photos of hills, mountains, and any sort of natural elevation. He had one child, by the name of Rosie, who has been so deeply saddened that she even posted her second father's death as her status on Facebook. Sabrina Fresker-Advokez, his equally fake, and poserish ex-wife, who divorced him has shown no signs of depression.

Well, here's something to think about: Fake posers never die. They're legacy lives on.

We will mourn hard. Oh, and also there's a girl named Jasmine Sharma. I told her who he was.

-Stella, Esee, And, and Roxy

S - WHY? and other stuff

Okay, I'm not mad, I'm just very sad. Remember how I said that I'm hanging out with M&M today? Well, it's not burning hot like it was a few days ago AND the other girl who's coming can only drop by -- she can't swim today. And that REALLY irks me! :'( Maybe we'll just not swim at all. I hope we will still find a way to have fun. WHY???? :'(

On to other subjects: Coffee. I dislike coffee, unless they put gallons and gallons (slight exaggeration) of cream, milk, and sugar in it. Otherwise, it's more bitter than bittermelon (which IS actually a vegetable). I prefer mochas and frappucinos. Those are YUMMERY. :P

This blog isn't actually that boring. The only thing that bothers me now is that I have to resist making 5 million posts a doy due to my daily bore. I guess I'll just have to make all of my posts an essay long, filled with all my though. By the way, speaking of essays, I am on the verge of FINISHING MY ESSAY! Whoot whoot! And, speaking of whoot whoots, I'm hanging out with M&M today!!!! Speaking of M&Ms, I love M&Ms because they're so small and chocolatey! Speaking of chocolate, I LOVE chocolate! Speaking of love, I don't have much to say! Speaking of that, I'll think of Sense and Sensibility because I barely understood that book! Speaking of books, I'm reading a book called The Knife of Never Letting Go! It's really scary and weird, but you should read it! Speaking of weird, weirdgreenman is coming home today! Speaking of today, I think I should go spam a different post! Speaking of spam, isn't that a type of cheesy ham in a can? Wow, I can sure rhyme. Speaking of rhymes, check out our songs page and read our rhymes! Speaking of speaking of, I need to press the publish post button before I write anymore of these things.........

MY CURRENT STATE OF MIND (taken and edited from Lisi something's The Clique series)
In: Altoids, Sour punch straws, towel dresses
Out: donuts, bad spelling, creamless coffee

I should do one of these CURRENT STATE OF MIND things every time I post!!!! Yes. And, if any of you guys (Esee, And, Roxy) want to do it, think of a different title at least. I don't want a million of CURRENT STATE OF MINDs by four different people all over the blog, thanks. :)

I'm hanging out with Winday soon! Huzzah. I'm having a very active end of summer. And then comes volunteering, more volunteering, then....dare I say it? School!

I'm still very much enjoying our recently changed blog template. I <3 IT!!!! Man, that was random.


Friday, August 20, 2010

S - A Post

Hey peeps!

Very bored as usual...tomorrow I'm hanging out with M&M! Haha, yay!!! I'm super excited...let's hope that it's sunny tomorrow.

By the way, I'm SO sorry that I didn't ask, but I was getting bored with the blog template. So I decided to snazz it up! (slash, make it over COMPLETELY :)) Please don't hate me for it! I think it's pretty! I tried to make it as close to the interests as Esee, And, and Roxy as I could. Don't ask how I did it, because I really do hope that you can figure it out yourself.

Well, yeah, that's it for now. My new favorite ice cream is Raspberry with Dark Chocolate in it! It's really good! :P Yum!

Okay, that's all. For now. Really. I'll probably post later though.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

S - ahhh I'm bored

so very very very very bored. :/

ugh!!!!!! people should actually check back to our pages once in a while...grrrr....hey! if the contest were still on, i could take this as an advantage and POST! Because I'm pretty sure that Esee and And have ignored this blog, OR have forgotten it!

Anyways...what are you guys being on Halloween?

Did you know it's winter in Africa?

See how random I get when I'm bored and have no idea what to write about?

Beets are red. Sniff them. They smell like earthy soil. Yum..fresh...delicious... :)

S - Catchin' Up

I got this news a long time ago, but GUESS WHAT??? I'm volunteering on the orientation at school, and on the first day of school! I'm pretty excited. :) Just a little nervous, handling the new "young uns". But I can't wait!

I hope the sun comes back out, too. It was scorching hot for a while, but then it turned cloudy and cold. At least yesterday it became sunny in the afternoon. Today, it's all cloudy and gray. Bits of sun have only lasted for what, 3 seconds? I know. Sad. I really hope that it'll start getting sunny soon.

Also, to make up for this weather, I think it should snow in the winter. If it's going to be cold in the summer, Mother Nature should at least make it up to us on winter with snow, right? COME ON, MOTHER NATURE!!! PLEASE??? PLEASIE??? :] Well, I suppose we'll just have to appreciate what we have.

Also, thanks for keeping the blog up, Roxy!!! Otherwise this blog would have died months ago, like Jason Advokez, who got mauled by a gorilla :'( RIP.

I guess that's all for now. POST Esee and And.

Friday, August 13, 2010

R-You people should post more

This blog is becoming worthless since I'm the only one posting.... Maybe once the school year starts it will get more attention....

Skye threw up :(

How's the summer homework coming for the rest of you? I'm working on my thrid journal entry.

Monday, August 9, 2010

R - Skye

We are dog sitting now!! Her name is Skye, she is nine years old and very sweet. We got her last night. She loves to play fetch and when she is outside it seems that is all she can think about. Right now I think she is trying to fall back asleep, but I can't tell.
Saturday was our Regatta (race) for crew. The first novice girls 8+ boat won their race by 31 seconds and the other class won their race too. BTW: they raced at 6:20am. The 4+ boat won their race too. The same people were in the four who were in the eight. They each got two medals! Our race went well. I was in an eight, but we weren't going against all people our own age. There was an adult boat (like my Mom's age) and a boat of twenty or so year olds, the third boat was just like us. We raced really well and would have been first except that our cox forgot to steer and we ended up starting in lane 1 and ending in lane 3. The bad part about this was that we cut off another boat (the adult boat) and so we tied for second instead.