Thursday, June 19, 2014


OKAY WHO COMMENTED ON MY WOMBATS POST?!!?! They wrote "omg i love the wombats too" AND I NEED TO FIND OUT WHO THIS PERSON IS SO I CAN BE EXCITED WITH THEM. Was it you Esee? or And (even thoug you said you hate them)? Or Roxy...or someone else not part of the blog...anyway.

Today I am going to talk about various fruits.

Kiwi - Kiwi's are good, but only sometimes. I think that my experience with kiwis have been tainted by the frozen ones that they served in elementary school. Those were kinda good, but we had to scoop them out with spoons and the juice always ran down my arm. Also, in general, the hairs on kiwis are not cute, like they are on apricots. THat brings me to the next fruit.

Apricots - are really cute because they are soft and fuzzy. Also they taste really good. I like how they basically taste the same as dried apricots.

Mangos - Mangos are yummy but sometimes they are really messy. Actually they are ALWAYS really messy.  They smell really good. And they always look perf when you eat them the way when you cut them into squares.

Strawberries - Strawberries are really good! They are kind of like healthier sour patch that are way better because they are sweet AND sour. I also like their textures. It's kind of like cheese, but fresher and it doesn't stick on your teeth. But the seeds are kinda weird where they all bunch up at the tip of the strawberrie and fold it into a little seedy butt.

Bananas - Bananas are okay, they smell good sometimes but I like them better if you eat them with other stuff. The thing is that they are just really gooey and they don't really have any juice with them. To me, the juice in a fruit is the part that makes them feel the most fresh. Bananas are ok but they make your mouth feel gooey and your mouth tastes kinda weird afterwards.

Blueberries - BLUEBERRIES are really good, especially whn they are sour. I like to think of them as healthy popcorn. Same goes for raspberries. But when blueberries are too ripe, then I don't really want to touch them.

Cherries - Good, but a little bit too sugary.

Grapes - They are pretty good if there are no seeds. If there are seeds, the time that it takes to take them out exceeds the time it takes to actually eat them, and I just don't feel like it's worth it. Unless you really like grapes. Then you go, girl/boy, go and get those seeds out and eat them to your heart's content.

Watermelon - To me, it is hard to find a watermelon that is sweet enough. But watermelon is good for hot day since they are so watery, and they usually have at least some taste. I also really like their color because it is a very calming pink.

Apples - I like apples with the skin on. I like sour apples the most, but red apples are good too. Except here in Washington, we usually have an abundance of apples, so they are not as exciting as tropical fruits or berries.

Well this is basically all I feel like talking about, because the other fruits I do not feel like getting into (otherwise this post would go on for a very long time).

Have a good day, lovely children.


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