Wednesday, June 18, 2014

E- Yesterday in History...

Well actually, the history of my life, not the history of the world as I made this sound, but oh well.
Anyway, yesterday was my birthday, and as I was showering today, I was trying to think what I was doing around this time of the year for the past five years, so I thought I'd share it to reminisce over the past.

2009- We were wee little 6th graders. I was so freaking excited for middle school- not really sure why now that I think about it. For my birthday, I had a party where we all did various games and won tokens which we then got to exchange for candy. In other words, I copied Andrea's idea and used it for my party too. Sorry Andrea... But it was still fun!

2010- We were in 7th grade, and I remember very few specifics of my birthday this year except that Shannon M. gave me two balloons (which I thought made me the coolest person ever- haha) and a cookie/pie thing. I also remember that for my birthday party, I did a scavenger hunt thing at the mall (because Andrea did it and I always copied her in general) and then we slept over at my house and watched Hairspray I think. And remember how that one girl (I feel bad actually saying her name here ahah) that I'm friends with stole Andrea's (I think it was her's) candy and then this whole big thing happened where Andrea got mad and was gossiping about her on Andrea's ipod with someone else and then we went to my mom for help. And then when we woke up that same person had put candy in my hair so that was kinda annoying. I also distinctly remember Andrea pointing out that while I was sleeping, I straightened up my sleeping bag (no surprise there). I also remember this was the year of bath and body works... Need I say more?

2011- We were in 8th grade, and I remember Maddy made me cupcakes and I think Andrea did something too but I don't remember... On my birthday I remember wearing my blue/grey skirt with the black band, a white shirt, and my purple tie-dye-ish scarf (which I had just received). This year to celebrate I invited a handful of friends to spend the night at my Grandparents' beach house (Yuan couldn't come :( ). We roasted marshmallows, played mario cart, ad watched a movie (I can't remember which). I also remember Andrea and Anna would NOT stop playing that punching game where if you look at the other's hand they got to punch you or whatever ahah.

2012- 9th grade! We were freshman! Andrea made me snicker-doodles and I remember she made those "macaroons" for french with the snicker-doodles too ahahah. I feel like Yuan made me brownies too. But on the actual day of my birthday, I had to play my flute at graduation -_- That sucked. And it was raining and took forever. I also remember that I was dating that one guy at the time and he brought me a present while I was sitting with the band right before it started and it was awkward haha. Also, this year Andrea and Megan threw me a surprise birthday party at Richmond Beach!! That was a lot of fun and I totally wasn't expecting it! But I remember you guys kidnapped me and for the first like five mins of driving I was able to figure out where we were.

2013- 10th grade! Yuan no longer went to the same school as us :'(. Andrea and Megan made me lovely cupcakes. I remember it was a Monday and I reallllllly wanted to get my license as soon as possible, but all the Department of Licensing offices were closed on Mondays EXCEPT this one that was 25 mins away but I didn't care because I really wanted my licence. But when we got there I didn't have my social security number so we went through this whole process of calling my dad and grandparents to see if they could get it for us. But finally we got it but it ended up that we stayed past the closing time of the office but the people were super nice and let me stay.

2014- 11th grade! This year! We are juniors (super close to being seniors... what?!), and other than that nothing exciting is happening. Thanks for the cake pops Andrea and Yuan, and thanks for the sugar cookies Becca! Calc was fun today playing pitch/cards with Anna!

Sorry this post is long and also kinda self-centered, but I wanted to document what was happening around the time of my birthday the past couple years.

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