Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A- Why I'm excited for school to end

Last year when school was about to end it came soooo fast because I was really freaked out that Sophomore year was about to end. I felt like high school had just started and then I was half way done! And I was all- it feels like just last year I was a freshman ect.

But now

I'm so over that. I don't care about the whole high-schools almost over thing anymore I just want the school year to end. Skip the sentimentality. And since I am looking forward to it and counting down the days it seems like 6 months have passed, even though its been like 2 weeks.
This summer, I'm actually doing things! Like last summer was nothing + China = boredom
Next Monday I'm going to the cheesecake factory with Elise, and I looove that restaurant (good choice Elise). A week after school ends I'm leaving to Maddy's cabin for a few days, and she has a boat so we'll be able to go inter-tubing! And I really miss swimming and I think I'm gonna swim a lot this summer. And then on July 28th I'm going to China, but this year Maddy is coming with me for two weeks and I'm also seeing a lot of my relatives my age so I won't be bored.

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