Tuesday, June 3, 2014

E- Summer!!!!

Despite the fact that I didn't get into the summer programs that I applied to (sob), I'm looking forward to summer a lot (besides the fact that we won't have school)! And summer is so close I have lost like 85% of my effort to try anymore in school now... which is kinda bad... oops!

But anyway, here are my summer plans!

For a week right after school ends I am going to Washington DC with my grandma and grandpa! We are gonna tour The White House and see Congress in action which should be pretty cool! And I've never been there before so it should be super fun!

Then for three days I'm doing this program at Johnson and Wales University in Providence, Rhode Island called Career Explorations where I'll be exploring careers in baking/pastry arts/culinary arts and get to do some hands on baking and stuff which should be fun! Even though I'm not really looking into a career in that industry, I think it'll just be a fun thing to fly across the country by myself (which I've never done) and stay at a college in Rhode Island (where I've never been) for a couple days. So I'm looking forward to that!

Then I may or may not volunteer for this one random farm for a week with Roxy and Belle. I signed up for it but I'm wait listed so we'll see if I get un-waitlisted or not... I'm kinda doubtful but we shall see.

Then I'm going to apply to this one program called the Western Scholars Invitational. It's a three day program where you stay at Western Washington University and go to a couple mock classes and learn more about applying to colleges and do fun activities and such. It's possible I won't be accepted into it but I called and asked about how competitive it is and they said it's mostly competitive in terms of who they invite but not very competitive in terms of who they accept from those that apply, so I think my chances are decent (hopefully!). But to apply I have to write a one page paper (single spaced!) which kinda sucks but oh well.

Then I'm helping plan and put on the kids camp at my church which is four days in the evening, so that should be pretty fun too!

Then me and my mom are probably going to do this Oregon Private College Week where there is a specific list of ten or so colleges that have a specific program going on that week and you just drive around Oregon for a week and visit the various ones you are interested in. So that should be good!

Also, hopefully at some point in the summer Roxy, And, Belle, and I will go backpacking! But we haven't planned anything for that so I don't know yet.

And then CROSS COUNTRY starts!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!

Oh and I think Roxy, And, and I are going to do the same triathlon that we did last year again (but we haven't signed up for that yet). But it was really fun last year so I'm hoping we do it again! And then maybe this time Roxy can do the whole thing and not be injured!

So that's all that I have planned for summer so far, and I'm pretty excited!
Wow, why do my posts always get super long? Anyway, what are you guys doing this summer?????

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