Thursday, June 19, 2014


OKAY WHO COMMENTED ON MY WOMBATS POST?!!?! They wrote "omg i love the wombats too" AND I NEED TO FIND OUT WHO THIS PERSON IS SO I CAN BE EXCITED WITH THEM. Was it you Esee? or And (even thoug you said you hate them)? Or Roxy...or someone else not part of the blog...anyway.

Today I am going to talk about various fruits.

Kiwi - Kiwi's are good, but only sometimes. I think that my experience with kiwis have been tainted by the frozen ones that they served in elementary school. Those were kinda good, but we had to scoop them out with spoons and the juice always ran down my arm. Also, in general, the hairs on kiwis are not cute, like they are on apricots. THat brings me to the next fruit.

Apricots - are really cute because they are soft and fuzzy. Also they taste really good. I like how they basically taste the same as dried apricots.

Mangos - Mangos are yummy but sometimes they are really messy. Actually they are ALWAYS really messy.  They smell really good. And they always look perf when you eat them the way when you cut them into squares.

Strawberries - Strawberries are really good! They are kind of like healthier sour patch that are way better because they are sweet AND sour. I also like their textures. It's kind of like cheese, but fresher and it doesn't stick on your teeth. But the seeds are kinda weird where they all bunch up at the tip of the strawberrie and fold it into a little seedy butt.

Bananas - Bananas are okay, they smell good sometimes but I like them better if you eat them with other stuff. The thing is that they are just really gooey and they don't really have any juice with them. To me, the juice in a fruit is the part that makes them feel the most fresh. Bananas are ok but they make your mouth feel gooey and your mouth tastes kinda weird afterwards.

Blueberries - BLUEBERRIES are really good, especially whn they are sour. I like to think of them as healthy popcorn. Same goes for raspberries. But when blueberries are too ripe, then I don't really want to touch them.

Cherries - Good, but a little bit too sugary.

Grapes - They are pretty good if there are no seeds. If there are seeds, the time that it takes to take them out exceeds the time it takes to actually eat them, and I just don't feel like it's worth it. Unless you really like grapes. Then you go, girl/boy, go and get those seeds out and eat them to your heart's content.

Watermelon - To me, it is hard to find a watermelon that is sweet enough. But watermelon is good for hot day since they are so watery, and they usually have at least some taste. I also really like their color because it is a very calming pink.

Apples - I like apples with the skin on. I like sour apples the most, but red apples are good too. Except here in Washington, we usually have an abundance of apples, so they are not as exciting as tropical fruits or berries.

Well this is basically all I feel like talking about, because the other fruits I do not feel like getting into (otherwise this post would go on for a very long time).

Have a good day, lovely children.


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

E- Yesterday in History...

Well actually, the history of my life, not the history of the world as I made this sound, but oh well.
Anyway, yesterday was my birthday, and as I was showering today, I was trying to think what I was doing around this time of the year for the past five years, so I thought I'd share it to reminisce over the past.

2009- We were wee little 6th graders. I was so freaking excited for middle school- not really sure why now that I think about it. For my birthday, I had a party where we all did various games and won tokens which we then got to exchange for candy. In other words, I copied Andrea's idea and used it for my party too. Sorry Andrea... But it was still fun!

2010- We were in 7th grade, and I remember very few specifics of my birthday this year except that Shannon M. gave me two balloons (which I thought made me the coolest person ever- haha) and a cookie/pie thing. I also remember that for my birthday party, I did a scavenger hunt thing at the mall (because Andrea did it and I always copied her in general) and then we slept over at my house and watched Hairspray I think. And remember how that one girl (I feel bad actually saying her name here ahah) that I'm friends with stole Andrea's (I think it was her's) candy and then this whole big thing happened where Andrea got mad and was gossiping about her on Andrea's ipod with someone else and then we went to my mom for help. And then when we woke up that same person had put candy in my hair so that was kinda annoying. I also distinctly remember Andrea pointing out that while I was sleeping, I straightened up my sleeping bag (no surprise there). I also remember this was the year of bath and body works... Need I say more?

2011- We were in 8th grade, and I remember Maddy made me cupcakes and I think Andrea did something too but I don't remember... On my birthday I remember wearing my blue/grey skirt with the black band, a white shirt, and my purple tie-dye-ish scarf (which I had just received). This year to celebrate I invited a handful of friends to spend the night at my Grandparents' beach house (Yuan couldn't come :( ). We roasted marshmallows, played mario cart, ad watched a movie (I can't remember which). I also remember Andrea and Anna would NOT stop playing that punching game where if you look at the other's hand they got to punch you or whatever ahah.

2012- 9th grade! We were freshman! Andrea made me snicker-doodles and I remember she made those "macaroons" for french with the snicker-doodles too ahahah. I feel like Yuan made me brownies too. But on the actual day of my birthday, I had to play my flute at graduation -_- That sucked. And it was raining and took forever. I also remember that I was dating that one guy at the time and he brought me a present while I was sitting with the band right before it started and it was awkward haha. Also, this year Andrea and Megan threw me a surprise birthday party at Richmond Beach!! That was a lot of fun and I totally wasn't expecting it! But I remember you guys kidnapped me and for the first like five mins of driving I was able to figure out where we were.

2013- 10th grade! Yuan no longer went to the same school as us :'(. Andrea and Megan made me lovely cupcakes. I remember it was a Monday and I reallllllly wanted to get my license as soon as possible, but all the Department of Licensing offices were closed on Mondays EXCEPT this one that was 25 mins away but I didn't care because I really wanted my licence. But when we got there I didn't have my social security number so we went through this whole process of calling my dad and grandparents to see if they could get it for us. But finally we got it but it ended up that we stayed past the closing time of the office but the people were super nice and let me stay.

2014- 11th grade! This year! We are juniors (super close to being seniors... what?!), and other than that nothing exciting is happening. Thanks for the cake pops Andrea and Yuan, and thanks for the sugar cookies Becca! Calc was fun today playing pitch/cards with Anna!

Sorry this post is long and also kinda self-centered, but I wanted to document what was happening around the time of my birthday the past couple years.

A- Why I'm excited for school to end

Last year when school was about to end it came soooo fast because I was really freaked out that Sophomore year was about to end. I felt like high school had just started and then I was half way done! And I was all- it feels like just last year I was a freshman ect.

But now

I'm so over that. I don't care about the whole high-schools almost over thing anymore I just want the school year to end. Skip the sentimentality. And since I am looking forward to it and counting down the days it seems like 6 months have passed, even though its been like 2 weeks.
This summer, I'm actually doing things! Like last summer was nothing + China = boredom
Next Monday I'm going to the cheesecake factory with Elise, and I looove that restaurant (good choice Elise). A week after school ends I'm leaving to Maddy's cabin for a few days, and she has a boat so we'll be able to go inter-tubing! And I really miss swimming and I think I'm gonna swim a lot this summer. And then on July 28th I'm going to China, but this year Maddy is coming with me for two weeks and I'm also seeing a lot of my relatives my age so I won't be bored.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

S - Music

The above is my new favorite band. I think it is a lot better than One Direction. You guys should listen to it because it is a lot better than One Direction. I' still crying over the fact that I liked One Direction. That is a memory I will prefer to keep buried beneath my more recent ones. This band is just SO PERF. I never knew that I would like this kind of band. But, I like there music with their lyrics and British accents. I have been listening to them a lot lately. 

A- What I see as one of the biggest problems

The US has the 33rd highest suicide rate. Though there are countries with higher suicide rates with their own problems, the US probably has separate problems from those problems.

A few weeks ago I was in physics and Mrs. E asked us why we thought people would kill themselves. Depression? Yes. But depression is a mental illness that theoretically, would appear the same amount in countries but the numbers are drastically different according to location.
When I got my PSAT scores back, I was very satisfied and happy about them. I saw that I had done better than the average person and that was where my happiness came from, as there was no other numbers that meant anything. After a little while, I noticed that this was a weird kind of happiness. It was not the kind you got after a nice day spent with friends, or after reading a book you really liked. It was this selfish, sanctimonious kind of happiness. It was the kind of happiness I get on really rare occasions when I step into a room and I'm the most attractive person in it. My intelligence-genes in a reaaally narrow area were better than other peoples! Yippee!! But this kind of fades really fast, when suddenly the moment of achievement passes and you realize that you are still not the best, that you could still be better. That there are still a number people who did better than you and now that you have come this far you must also be better than them. And you may have gotten a good GPA but it wasn't the best and you could always do better. better. better. better. better. better. better. better. But what if I had gotten my score back, and it said: You have done better than 1% of juniors. Even if it had said: You have done better than 30% of juniors. 49% of the population will have received news that they are technically dumber than the average person.
And when I open a magazine I see that there are incredibly beautiful people out there. And at school there are stunningly gorgeous people that everyone seems to worship. And everyone's saying they want to be a doctor because- it sounds sexy! Doesn't the thought of being a doctor just make you feel like you are so much more of a worthwhile human-being than say, a janitor?
And one time I was with an unnamed person and they said, "You would like to think that all people were born with an equal amount of assets. As in, if someone were really smart they wouldn't be that great looking and if someone were really great looking they wouldn't be that smart." But then they said, "It's not that way. I feel that I have more going for me than most people." And it is assumed that is enough to make a person happy, being on the higher end of the genetic pool. But I know for sure that this person is incredibly unhappy. And I know that Ryan and Nora had a lot going for them too so this must not be it.
All my life, I have noticed that it has been stressed that what I want, what I need,  is to be the best. My mom is always saying, be a CEO, be a manager, be a SEXY doctor, you could be the best. But not everyone can be the best! The whole school system is based on being better than others, and if someone did bad from the beginning they have been told their whole life that they are STUPID. I am not hoping for a socialist/Utopian society where everyone is "equal", I am just saying that there should not be so many measures for how good you are based on really superficial things.
I know that I have small boobs (as I've been repeatedly told by certain people with orange hair over the years) and that I am incredibly lacking in common sense but I'll be the first to say that's okay! I know that I will still be influenced by these artificial ladders of intelligence and looks- and that I am rather expectant about my SAT scores but I hope they will never matter too much to me.
And I think that if America put more focus on people living out what they are good at and to just try their best or (probably something better than those motto's) that people wouldn't feel so bad about themselves.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

S - cool stuff

UPDATE ON LIFE. I haven't posted in a while because finals and final projects and DECA presentations and a ton of stuff has been going on, but it's been like that for everyone, so we're all in this together. Anyway. Today I took my physics final and I'm afraid to look at my score.

I agree with you Esee - I've been thinking a lot about that too. It's going to be really weird and sad. I'm friends with a few of the seniors and I will actually miss them so much. Tomorrow I will be kind of sad at the senior assembly. But a lot of them are staying in-state so we can I guess that's good. Last year I didn't really care because I didn't know many of the seniors, contrary to you, Esee.

I'm really excited for summer! Only 4 school days left!!

I don't really know what to write about, but here are some really good bands I found:

  • The Wombats
  • Tame Impala
You guys should listen to them. Tame Impala is my definition of "stoner music". 
We should all hang out this summer! I haven't seen you guys in a long time!
And and Roxy need to post.
And Esee I was going to email you a thing I thought you would be interested in but I forgot your email/wasn't sure if you changed it from the oreo one.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

E- Graduating Seniors

Well, today was the last legit day of school for the seniors, and there are a couple of things I have thought a lot about today/lately.

Last year, I was really good friends with two seniors graduating and that was about it (in terms of who I was friends with from the senior class). I was sad when graduation came around but I knew I'd see them again and hang out, so it wasn't too bad.
But this year it's weird. I'm not as good of friends with any of the seniors. I mean I'm friends with a handful, but not particularly close. So its weird to think I probably will never see many of them again. Which almost makes me sadder than last year because its just weird to think that I will never see people I've known since 7th grade again. But then again I'm not even very close to them, but it still makes me sad.

Also, the thing I've thought a TON about the past week, is the fact that next year, it'll be us. We'll be the ones having our last legit day of high school. And that is SO crazy to think about. In a little more than a week, we will be seniors. 12th graders. Our last year of high school. In a little more than a week, every day of high school will be out last september 16 of high school, our last homecoming, and our last season of cross country (at least for Roxy and I). That is just freaking crazy!!
But on a happier note, it means that college is that much closer (which I'm very excited for)!

Anyway, those are just my thoughts for the day- weee.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

E- Summer!!!!

Despite the fact that I didn't get into the summer programs that I applied to (sob), I'm looking forward to summer a lot (besides the fact that we won't have school)! And summer is so close I have lost like 85% of my effort to try anymore in school now... which is kinda bad... oops!

But anyway, here are my summer plans!

For a week right after school ends I am going to Washington DC with my grandma and grandpa! We are gonna tour The White House and see Congress in action which should be pretty cool! And I've never been there before so it should be super fun!

Then for three days I'm doing this program at Johnson and Wales University in Providence, Rhode Island called Career Explorations where I'll be exploring careers in baking/pastry arts/culinary arts and get to do some hands on baking and stuff which should be fun! Even though I'm not really looking into a career in that industry, I think it'll just be a fun thing to fly across the country by myself (which I've never done) and stay at a college in Rhode Island (where I've never been) for a couple days. So I'm looking forward to that!

Then I may or may not volunteer for this one random farm for a week with Roxy and Belle. I signed up for it but I'm wait listed so we'll see if I get un-waitlisted or not... I'm kinda doubtful but we shall see.

Then I'm going to apply to this one program called the Western Scholars Invitational. It's a three day program where you stay at Western Washington University and go to a couple mock classes and learn more about applying to colleges and do fun activities and such. It's possible I won't be accepted into it but I called and asked about how competitive it is and they said it's mostly competitive in terms of who they invite but not very competitive in terms of who they accept from those that apply, so I think my chances are decent (hopefully!). But to apply I have to write a one page paper (single spaced!) which kinda sucks but oh well.

Then I'm helping plan and put on the kids camp at my church which is four days in the evening, so that should be pretty fun too!

Then me and my mom are probably going to do this Oregon Private College Week where there is a specific list of ten or so colleges that have a specific program going on that week and you just drive around Oregon for a week and visit the various ones you are interested in. So that should be good!

Also, hopefully at some point in the summer Roxy, And, Belle, and I will go backpacking! But we haven't planned anything for that so I don't know yet.

And then CROSS COUNTRY starts!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!

Oh and I think Roxy, And, and I are going to do the same triathlon that we did last year again (but we haven't signed up for that yet). But it was really fun last year so I'm hoping we do it again! And then maybe this time Roxy can do the whole thing and not be injured!

So that's all that I have planned for summer so far, and I'm pretty excited!
Wow, why do my posts always get super long? Anyway, what are you guys doing this summer?????