Friday, May 28, 2010


People should encourage me by doing this poll I made. It's favorite day of the week. If you aren't Roxy, Stella, And, Esee, or Belle, you probably have no idea what days of the week are. Well, on Monday your supposed to wear cool earrings and not be perverted... Esee's favorite. On Tuesday your supposed to steal things while people are looking, which Roxy and Belle find really annoying. On Wednesday we're allowed to sing, which everyone except for me and Esee find annoying. And then there's Thursday (my personal least favorite) called rat-out day. It's where, if someone steals something, someone else can rat you out and you have to give it back. Roxy and Belle LOVE this day. And then Friday, which is the best day, you can do any of the activities from Monday-Wednesday, but you can't rat anyone out. This probably sounds really weird, but i am into stealing things (but we always give it back)

Here are the things I am into:
1. stealing (but I always give it back)
2. Lip gloss
3. Bath and Body Works
That's it, i think.

Oh yeah, and I might get a phone. Sorry for betraying you Stella. But I won't be as obsessed as Esee when she first had it, I would get one for "safety" reasons.

So now, I'm going to try to post something at least twice a week. ROXY NEEDS TO POST SOMETHING! Even though she just started. I'll try to during silent reading or something. I'm into long posts, as you can see. So don't forget to do my poll please! Even if you don't know what days of the week are... OMG I'M STARTING TO DO "..." AS MUCH AS MR. MCMURRAY!

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