Monday, May 24, 2010

E- Bad girl

Well i'm quite busy so i have been unable to post much but at least Stella's a good girl and is posting so our blog actually changes a bit. Ok so I have a lot of random stuff to say-
-And is doing a very bad job of contributing to this blog. She has only posted once and that was the first day we mad this. I could say anything and she would have no clue about it, haha. At least i post more than her. We should "kick" her off of this blog. jk, kinda.
-Roxy wants to join this blog and I think we should let her
-I feel really stupid. I just called Stella's house and I forgot what time is was and so her dad picked up and reminded me that she had gone to bed, and now i feel bad I called so late. I really need to keep track of the time better.
-The movie we are watching in social studies is "kreepy". Well it kinda is. Because at this one point this one dude holds up a sword, but then you find out that there's a head on the tip of the sword. Totally gross, i know.
-My school for English is totally awesome, it's summer themed and the classrooms, the floor is either sand or grass and you sit on towels and if you need to write on something raised up, you write on a cooler. haha

Dat's about all I can think of right now. And I'm leaving not just because of that, but because, i'm really tired and i need to sleep! I woke up at 5:45 this morning :(. That's not enough sleep, especially considering I went to sleep at 11:00 ^_^

bibi, for now

p.s. the whole for now thing after bibi, sounded kinda stalkerish....