Friday, May 14, 2010

E- first post

ooh yay. this just so happens to be our first post (as it says in the title, dur). Hmmm, what too say. So far this blog has been all Esee and not And. So i think she should help, except she's not.

Oooh, let me explain something that you will actually want to hear. Ok so do you want to know why we named this blog Andese? Well in short, it's because it's our two names combined. But the long answer to that question is because of this one trip that we went on together to Hawaii. It was totally fun but that's not the point. We would often go to the beach, almost every day. And we would make sand houses. It sounds stupid, and now that i think about it, it was. But at the time, it was REALLY fun. And I wanted to name our first one we made. So we named it Andese because of the reason I have already said. And then we would make lots more sand houses but we only really named the first one. Ahhhh, good times. That trip was sooo fun!!! Thanks And.

Ooooh, brilliant idea from Esee (of course). In the title, if it says a E before the name of the post, Esee will have written it. If it says A&E, we both wrote it. And if it just says A, than And wrote it.
Smart, huh?

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