Sunday, May 16, 2010

E- And over

Haha, the title sounds kinda funny. Btu it actually means that And is over at my house. So far we made a "long jump pit" in my backyard. Except it's not the best one ever, but it kinda works. At least I can practice a bit with it.
Then we played Mario Cart. And is starting to obsess over it while I am starting to not like it as much, BECAUSE of And's obsession, oh well.
And now we are on our computers looking at people's blogs and reading/writing stories. And is reading Bell's story on one of her blogs. It's really long so there is going to be silence for quite a while, except the really loud noise of my keys. haha
Oh wait, we were going to go to Rite Aid, haha. Whoops. I doubt we are going to now.

Yep, that's all for now.