Monday, May 31, 2010


Our house smells like PUKE right now! Here's the story...

My dad opened the deck and I was stricken with this horrible smell. So I ran into my room and started spraying my bath and body works stuff like crazy. I used midnight pomegranate because it's strong, and I used mango manderine and moonlit path to make it smell "fresh."
Apparently, the smell was of something my mom left on the deck that eventually rotted. GROSS! Right? It's been like an hour and it still smells horrible, but not as bad because I sprayed a ton of stuff. So the lesson learned is: Don't leave random food on the deck to rot.

E- Just FYI

Just fyi, the whole thing about kicking And off wasn't real. We weren't actually going to kick her off. we were just trying to pressure her into actually contributing to this. and anyway, the blog is by 4 friends and it just works better to have And in it.
So the poll was just pointless and just to make And write. And golly gee, it worked. She has posted like, 5 times or something. So we r so skilled!!!!
So ya, just wanted to put dat out there.


A-so much homework

This whole day, I've been doing my homework, and I'm only half done. I had homework in every class except gym. The most from English, all Mr. Antler's fault. So I decided I needed a break from studying for three tests I have in French, Social Studies, and Science. *sigh*

The reason I've been posting so much lately is for several reasons. I DON'T WANT TO BE KICKED OUT, thanks a lot Esee and Stella, so I'm posting more. Also, I want to be the person who posts the most. This is my 5th post, but Esee and Stella have done like 10. And Roxy... still NOTHING.

Now I know why my Dad thinks everything will be worth "millions" in like 10 years. He made me keep these teletubbie stuffed animals because he thought they would be worth "millions" in like 10 years. YEAH RIGHT! Anyways, so there's this show on TV called pawn stars. It kind of sounds like porn stars, but it's not. It's about this antique shop, and customers come and sell stuff to it. It sounds really boring, but it's actually really interesting. The people sell stuff to the owners, and sometimes get a lot of money for it. But I doubt anything I have will be worth anything.

Well bye everyone, see you tomorrow at school!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

A-Random stuff

Esee's birthday is on June 17. Just a clue to people... she doesn't want me to say this, but one of the things she wants is lip gloss. The flavors (in order) of what she wants are:
1. Limanade
2. Watermelon
3. Deep Aqua
4. Fruit Punch
5. P.S. I love you spring fling
6. Pineapple juice
Esee needs to get a lot of lip gloss so I'm not the only one with unreasonable amounts.

Esee slept over, and we woke up about an hour and a half ago, we just ate breakfast.

Friday, May 28, 2010


People should encourage me by doing this poll I made. It's favorite day of the week. If you aren't Roxy, Stella, And, Esee, or Belle, you probably have no idea what days of the week are. Well, on Monday your supposed to wear cool earrings and not be perverted... Esee's favorite. On Tuesday your supposed to steal things while people are looking, which Roxy and Belle find really annoying. On Wednesday we're allowed to sing, which everyone except for me and Esee find annoying. And then there's Thursday (my personal least favorite) called rat-out day. It's where, if someone steals something, someone else can rat you out and you have to give it back. Roxy and Belle LOVE this day. And then Friday, which is the best day, you can do any of the activities from Monday-Wednesday, but you can't rat anyone out. This probably sounds really weird, but i am into stealing things (but we always give it back)

Here are the things I am into:
1. stealing (but I always give it back)
2. Lip gloss
3. Bath and Body Works
That's it, i think.

Oh yeah, and I might get a phone. Sorry for betraying you Stella. But I won't be as obsessed as Esee when she first had it, I would get one for "safety" reasons.

So now, I'm going to try to post something at least twice a week. ROXY NEEDS TO POST SOMETHING! Even though she just started. I'll try to during silent reading or something. I'm into long posts, as you can see. So don't forget to do my poll please! Even if you don't know what days of the week are... OMG I'M STARTING TO DO "..." AS MUCH AS MR. MCMURRAY!


Yeah... so Im finally writing something on the blog. Esee thinks she "made me", but I also wanted to a lot... ish. Me and Esee got these giant lollipop things because they were on sale at Fred Meyer.

I'm not allowed to pinch Belle's cheeks anymore except for occasionally, because she got really mad at me and said I was really mean to her. So now I'm supposed to be nicer or something. I understand how she had a bad day, (I did too.) I felt the exact same way when I made it to prelims as a stupid ALTERNATE for long jump. Just saying, I respect her opinion on quitting Championships. But good on making it to Championships Belle! Next year, I'm gonna run long distance...

Thursday, May 27, 2010



>;( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( GRRR

i <3 baking

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

E- New name

Well we now have a new name, in case you didn't notice. Now it is called Randestese because Roxy has joined our blog and we have everyone's name who is in it, in the name. We have decided not to change the url though, because it would be too complicated to tell all of the people who already know about our blog, to say that the url changed.

Note to Roxy- I'll just tell you this now instead of making you read all the posts (but I think you should anyways). When you make a new post, for you, you would make the title, "R-" and then whatever you want it to be about, then the readers (which isn't very many, haha) can tell who wrote it. Also, for the "labels for this post" (you will know what I am talking about when you click new post), you should just do "R" so then on the labels section to the right, you can see how many posts, everyone has made.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

S - to whoever loved Stella and poo


i <3 you too!!!
i feel so special and loved to be loved! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

and poo says:
thank you! i luv u too! POO ROCKS!!!!

no one will ever know who poo is!

<3<3 <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

i <3 baking

Monday, May 24, 2010

E- Poll result


the polls are closed and the results are in.
For Favorite Phrase, the winner is....... Gosh, Smart one
And for Favorite Color, I regretfully announce that the winner is............ rainbow

so I will at sometime, not right now, delete the old polls and make a new one.


E- Bad girl

Well i'm quite busy so i have been unable to post much but at least Stella's a good girl and is posting so our blog actually changes a bit. Ok so I have a lot of random stuff to say-
-And is doing a very bad job of contributing to this blog. She has only posted once and that was the first day we mad this. I could say anything and she would have no clue about it, haha. At least i post more than her. We should "kick" her off of this blog. jk, kinda.
-Roxy wants to join this blog and I think we should let her
-I feel really stupid. I just called Stella's house and I forgot what time is was and so her dad picked up and reminded me that she had gone to bed, and now i feel bad I called so late. I really need to keep track of the time better.
-The movie we are watching in social studies is "kreepy". Well it kinda is. Because at this one point this one dude holds up a sword, but then you find out that there's a head on the tip of the sword. Totally gross, i know.
-My school for English is totally awesome, it's summer themed and the classrooms, the floor is either sand or grass and you sit on towels and if you need to write on something raised up, you write on a cooler. haha

Dat's about all I can think of right now. And I'm leaving not just because of that, but because, i'm really tired and i need to sleep! I woke up at 5:45 this morning :(. That's not enough sleep, especially considering I went to sleep at 11:00 ^_^

bibi, for now

p.s. the whole for now thing after bibi, sounded kinda stalkerish....

S- Funny quotes from Stellas life

Stella: omg I swear I just saw a hand creep out of that dress
Becko: AAAAAHHH!!!!

Irka or Becko (I forget): I can just imagine the teacher throwing his coffee cup on the ceiling and screaming "party!!"

Stella: who plays the grudge?
Irka: it's a ghost, retard

Stella: "quick gasps"
Phillipe: what?
Stella: I just looked up a picture of the grudge.
Phillips: "grins"

I <3 baking

Thursday, May 20, 2010

S -The Dark Ages

We are learning about the Dark Ages at school right now. It's SO cool! But it would be SO hard to live in that time. Disease, starvation, and death would be everywhere. We are going to learn about the Black Death. Probably everyone knows this by now - Ring Around the Rosie rhyme is about the Black Death. Anyways...the Dark Ages sounds so far away and unimaginable. But it's still cool. We're just starting to learn about it, but it's REALLY interesting so far.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

S - loud people on the bus

Anyone who rides a school bus will know that there are people who have REALLY loud voices. You may also be one of those. But anyways. weirdgreenman, a friend on my bus, had to plug his/her ears because he/she wanted to "protect" his/her ears. The loud person was singing very off tune. I didn't have the best bus ride this afternoon.

Also, anyone who reads this blog should also read It's a super good blog, and it's by Enchilada. You should check it out!

That's all for now.

Monday, May 17, 2010

S -Weird Moods

Have you ever had different moods? Like, not moods like HAPPY or SAD but ones that can't be explained with just one word? Here are a few. In the comments, tell us if you can relate!

You pick up your book and read a word. Then you stare off around the house. Then you pick up your iPod and start listening to music. Then you take your earbuds out. Then you go to your room and lay on the bed and then go to the bathroom and stare at yourself in the mirror. Then...oh, never mind.

You want everything to be perfect. You wear your favorite outfit, and it's sunny which is a huge plus. But then you see your friend and suddenly you see all these annoying flaws in her and you lash out at her. Then you arrive at lunch and you say hi. But then she comments on how you look nice and that ticks you off somehow. What could have been a great day became a dark day because of your mood.


[x] 1 follower Okay, we just got our first follower!
[x] 2 followers
[x] 5 followers YAY!!!!!! OMG, CAN WE GET MORE???
And plus, it doesn't say under the follower box (i think) but it says we have one follower in our account! U RULE!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

E- Dear fellow readers,

Dear fellow readers,

As i am sure you have been truly enjoying our blog oh so much, we would like to ask a small favor of you. We would like you to take just a few small, short minuets, and follow our blog. We would really appreciate it, it would make us feel more known and appreciated. It would just make us oh so much happier than we already are. I will even take the time to explain the process for you. Ok, so first you will have to be at our blog (well you've already completed that step considering you are reading this). Then you have to scroll down to the thing under the daily dog pictures (btw, aren't they soooo cute). There there is this blank (sob, sob) section that just says followers. All you have to do is click there and do what it tells you to do. For those few, little clicks, we will be much happier. Thank you.

PS. That is not how I normally am, I just thought it would be more entertaining to read if it was serious.

E- And over

Haha, the title sounds kinda funny. Btu it actually means that And is over at my house. So far we made a "long jump pit" in my backyard. Except it's not the best one ever, but it kinda works. At least I can practice a bit with it.
Then we played Mario Cart. And is starting to obsess over it while I am starting to not like it as much, BECAUSE of And's obsession, oh well.
And now we are on our computers looking at people's blogs and reading/writing stories. And is reading Bell's story on one of her blogs. It's really long so there is going to be silence for quite a while, except the really loud noise of my keys. haha
Oh wait, we were going to go to Rite Aid, haha. Whoops. I doubt we are going to now.

Yep, that's all for now.

S-rainbow hi's!!! (UPDATED)

Okay, so the rainbow hi's thing made our blog super ugly.
so I changed it!
oh, and also, I made the colors of our blog a teensy bit different. I couldn't resist! Because it was all pink, like the strawberry kiwi ice cream pink (even though that's a really pretty pink). So I added a dab of yellow and orange. It doesn't look THAT (<--THAT???) good but it's OK!
I'm still exploring this blog a bit more. But I wish I had a bit control over it. I want to change the template.
Hmm..maybe I will! You never know!
Well that's it for now. I'll post some more in a few minutes maybe. MORE PEOPLE NEED TO READ THIS BLOG!!! (well, homo sapiens that we know, at least).

BY THE WAY: S=Stella

S-favorite candy (changed)

and so i changed the favorite candy post.
I'm in a blogging mood right now.
Well, anyways. WHOEVER IS READING THIS CLICK "FOLLOW". I am VERRRRRY tired of having and empty spot under "Followers." So FOLLOW!

I'm going to edit our blog template. I'll come back soon!

P.S. Estella became STELLA. just so you know.

S-Test post

Hi peepz!

I'm Stella! I'm the newest member of this blog. I like pompoms.

I'll write more in a few minutes! (this is kinda like a test post AND IT'S MY FIRST ONE!)


Saturday, May 15, 2010

E- About me

I decided to write some stuff about me so here goes, oh and the order means nothing except which i thought of first-
~I LOVE purple, my room is painted purple and i have a purple carpet :D
~My favorite songs right now are Rock Your Body by Justin Timberlake. The name sounds really weird but it's a good song! Obsessed by Maria Carey, Where Is the Love? by the Black Eyed Peas featuring Justin Timberlake, and Crazy In Love by Beyoncé. They aren't the type of music i usually like but oh well.
~My thumbs are double jointed (random). Some people tell me that there is no such thing as being double jointed, that it's just being weird or something but I don't believe them.
~I'm right handed but I think that being left handed is really kool (that's my unique way of spelling cool, I started spelling it like that and then some of my friends copied me, hehe)
~Some of my pet peeves- Being called short even though I'M NOT, I'm just average. Being called a dumb blond. I hate that for two reasons. My first reason is that I'm not dumb! and the second reason is that I'm not a blond, I'm kind of like a dirty blonde, but I'm mostly a brunette with a lot of natural blonde streaks.
~Ummm, i can't think of anything else to say about me but if I think of more, i will post it.

Friday, May 14, 2010


I am ttly looking forwards to sumer. The warm weather the non-existent school, thus no homework!!! :D And having lots of sleepovers with ma friends (hopefully). But unfortunately, I am not going to the ttly AWESOME camp i went to last summer. I would but the other two ppl i went with aren't able to go this year and i am NOT going alone. Camp is supposed to be with friends, dur.
But on the bright side I am going to, *dum dum dum* NEW YORK right after school ends. I am going for a week :D with only me, my mom, and my grandma, so it should be tons of fun! I have ALWAYS wanted to go to New York and now i finally get to :DD

A- is writing

So I was writing this FABULOUS story about my friend, Bell. Well that's not her real name, but I'm nice enough not to put it on there. But then, all of a sudden, Esee made me write something for our blog. So here I am, writing something. La la la la la. Okay, so today we took the thing that's not the WASL, what's it called?... Doesn't matter. But it was boring, the usual. And now it's ALLLLLLLL over! And I get to have a weekend, homework free. If this is what summer feels like, I can't wait till summer.

Esee is reading my story. She loves it, (i think) because I complemented her in it and dissed myself. DISSED IS A WORD, by the way, stupid installed dictionary.

Well i have to go now, i think esee is almost done, so yeah, bye. ill post something later.

E- first post

ooh yay. this just so happens to be our first post (as it says in the title, dur). Hmmm, what too say. So far this blog has been all Esee and not And. So i think she should help, except she's not.

Oooh, let me explain something that you will actually want to hear. Ok so do you want to know why we named this blog Andese? Well in short, it's because it's our two names combined. But the long answer to that question is because of this one trip that we went on together to Hawaii. It was totally fun but that's not the point. We would often go to the beach, almost every day. And we would make sand houses. It sounds stupid, and now that i think about it, it was. But at the time, it was REALLY fun. And I wanted to name our first one we made. So we named it Andese because of the reason I have already said. And then we would make lots more sand houses but we only really named the first one. Ahhhh, good times. That trip was sooo fun!!! Thanks And.

Ooooh, brilliant idea from Esee (of course). In the title, if it says a E before the name of the post, Esee will have written it. If it says A&E, we both wrote it. And if it just says A, than And wrote it.
Smart, huh?