Friday, October 8, 2010


The KMS sports teams have been underrated this year but this last cross country meet ruined that streak :/ at least it didn't hav to do with me. The coach said that the girls probably got first but I'm thinking that the guys got 3rd bu idk. All I know is that they DIDN'T get first :(. Also I hated the most recent meet. I threw up 5 times according to And. She was "so kind" and counted for me. It didn't help. Everone saw and it was embarrassing!!! And the extremely stupid thing is I don't think I tried any harder than normal..... It was weird!!
Oh well....

Tee hee
Cuz dats how I ROLLLLLL!!!
haha, I've been saying, "cuz dats how I roll" a lot lately..... It's funny/weird...

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