Friday, October 1, 2010


This post is mostly to get my post number up to Esee's post number and try and get her to be competitive and post more.  Though really I should be doing that for And becuase she hasn't posted since June 11!!!! Thats over 3 months ago!!! To be precise, that is 111days!!!!

And: YOU NEED TO POST MORE!!!!!!!!!!!

 This won't even help becuase I am guessing that you haven't been on the blog in 111 days either. 
Sorry, I'm being mean.  I'll stop.
Hopefully you got the dog-poo off of your foot after we played that water game today.
That game was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun!!!!! I wish I had gotten wetter.

Are you guys ready for Halloween to get here? I am except for not really becuase I haven't decided what I'm going to be yet.  But I still wish it were Halloween. That was random. 

My mom and brother M are playing chess and I don't like chess so I am very bored.

That's all for now.  I am trying to figure out level 16 on this Andkon game called "click to play 2" its really really hard. Its not computer skills, its mostly logic and stuff. 


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