Wednesday, September 22, 2010

R-First Meet!!!!!!!!!

Today we had our first cross-country meet! Only Stella and I ran in it.  Esee, and And didn't have enough practices and Belle was sick.I feel so bad for Belle!!!!!!!!! She must be so sad.  At least she gets to stay home tomorrow.  I was sick during the meet (still! won't it ever go away?!?!) and Stella's ankle hurt.  :(... I don't think either of us was very happy afterward.  I got 5th and I don't remeber was Stella got.  She can tell you.  My stomach hurts super bad because of the race.  Not sure why.  At least tomorrow should be an easy day.  I almost have no homework.  I have to practice oboe and thats it. I haven't been able to ask about a Facebook yet.  :( Unfortunately, since Belle won't be at school tomorrow, I won't be able to tell her.  She is being mean.  Humph.  I wish it were clear so that I could see the moon.   I am soooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired.  I should email you guy's "Becca's Diary".  It is sooooooooooooooooo funny!! But not true. Hopefully Belle will keep adding to it.
Bye...................................... I am tired................................................... Bye
Oh yah.. I changed the blog.  Hope you like it.  If you don't, change it back.

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