Thursday, September 9, 2010


I'm finally able to post. Sorry I haven't posted but I didn't think I could on my iPod but I found I can :). So here I am finally posting.

Being the oldest of *cereal* (I'm not saying the real name of the school but the nickname is fitting) is really cool. I feel all old and powerful. Except the 7th graders make me feel short because hey are about the same hight as me. And I remember back last year when all then8th graders seemed really big. It's no fair. But I am 5 feet 3 inches so that's good!!!

Right now I'm procrastinating (nothing new with that, hehe) on putting my completed math homework away and starting working on my social studies work so I'm ahead in class and I'll havenless for the weekend.

Random funny story- in wind ensemble someone kept on farting. And they were really strong farts.bobberz noticed the smell too and thought it was horrible. We think it was this girl, Immature. Any way the door to the band room was open so that helped jut once the smell was gone, she farted again. It was really annoying!!! Immature must have a lot of beans for lunch, haha.

Ooh Speaking of beans, my dad taught me this one really funny rhyme thing and it goes,
"beans, beans
The magical fruit
The more you eat
The more you tute
The more you tute the better you feel
so let's have beans for every meal"
Isn't that funny/awesome?? My mom hates it.

I should go do my work.

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