Sunday, September 26, 2010

R - Homework

We have so much homework this weekend!!!  Maybe I just didn't do enough during the week.  But thats because I didn't have time.

We have English, Math, Science (2 things!), Social Studies, and French.  Thats everything possible!! (Esee and i have to practice for band)


Oh well

You guys should post more.....

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

R-First Meet!!!!!!!!!

Today we had our first cross-country meet! Only Stella and I ran in it.  Esee, and And didn't have enough practices and Belle was sick.I feel so bad for Belle!!!!!!!!! She must be so sad.  At least she gets to stay home tomorrow.  I was sick during the meet (still! won't it ever go away?!?!) and Stella's ankle hurt.  :(... I don't think either of us was very happy afterward.  I got 5th and I don't remeber was Stella got.  She can tell you.  My stomach hurts super bad because of the race.  Not sure why.  At least tomorrow should be an easy day.  I almost have no homework.  I have to practice oboe and thats it. I haven't been able to ask about a Facebook yet.  :( Unfortunately, since Belle won't be at school tomorrow, I won't be able to tell her.  She is being mean.  Humph.  I wish it were clear so that I could see the moon.   I am soooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired.  I should email you guy's "Becca's Diary".  It is sooooooooooooooooo funny!! But not true. Hopefully Belle will keep adding to it.
Bye...................................... I am tired................................................... Bye
Oh yah.. I changed the blog.  Hope you like it.  If you don't, change it back.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

S - Favorite Songs

Random Fact: I like Goth.

Okay, so my favorite songs are:
1. Take it Off by Ke$ha
2. King of Anything by Sarah Barailles
3. If I Die Young by The Band Perry
4. In the Ayer by Flo Rida
5. The Show by Lenka
6. The Only Exception by Paramore
7. Skipalong by Lenka
8. It's Amazing by Jem
9. The Sweet Escape by Gwen Stefani

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I'm finally able to post. Sorry I haven't posted but I didn't think I could on my iPod but I found I can :). So here I am finally posting.

Being the oldest of *cereal* (I'm not saying the real name of the school but the nickname is fitting) is really cool. I feel all old and powerful. Except the 7th graders make me feel short because hey are about the same hight as me. And I remember back last year when all then8th graders seemed really big. It's no fair. But I am 5 feet 3 inches so that's good!!!

Right now I'm procrastinating (nothing new with that, hehe) on putting my completed math homework away and starting working on my social studies work so I'm ahead in class and I'll havenless for the weekend.

Random funny story- in wind ensemble someone kept on farting. And they were really strong farts.bobberz noticed the smell too and thought it was horrible. We think it was this girl, Immature. Any way the door to the band room was open so that helped jut once the smell was gone, she farted again. It was really annoying!!! Immature must have a lot of beans for lunch, haha.

Ooh Speaking of beans, my dad taught me this one really funny rhyme thing and it goes,
"beans, beans
The magical fruit
The more you eat
The more you tute
The more you tute the better you feel
so let's have beans for every meal"
Isn't that funny/awesome?? My mom hates it.

I should go do my work.

Monday, September 6, 2010

S - Cliques

I am being bored and random, so I'm going to rave about cliques and stereotypes at schools.

The Dumb Jocks: They're muscular and they wear sports coats. They drive fancy cars and have thin supermodel girlfriends. Also, they can't seem to spell, do math, read, write, draw, or think.

The Nerd/Geeks: They have giant glasses, pimples, oily hair, and buck teeth. They talk in a nasal tone and start every thing they say with "If my calculations are correct..."

The Beautiful Goddesses Who Own the School: These girls are beautiful, perfect, and flawless. They're rich, they have designer clothes, and there faces are laden with makeup. But then again, that's only their life at school.

The Preppy Girls: They wear white button up shirts and Converse. The teachers love them. They don't do drugs or smoke or anything, and they turn in all their homework.

The Outcasts: No ideas come to mind.

In: roses, garlic, long necklaces
Out: lip tint, bubble bath, jeggings

Sunday, September 5, 2010

S - you know what?

Me, being me, has decided to stop wasting my time raving about And and Esee not posting because clearly nothing is going to happen. There, mean and direct. Now, I'm going to get on with my post.

I wish the Roxy was at Belle's birthday party. We went to a beading place and we made REALLY COOL necklaces! You would have loved it Roxy!!!! I was thinking about how sad you would be missing it. :'(

Also, I'm making energy bar brownies. They don't look that bad, but they don't exactly look like energy bars. GAH. I'm going on Facebook. Oh, and here's a cool website: It's a chat thing with a robot, NOT a human. Type something into the box like "hi", and then click "Think about it!" and you'll start a conversation with the robot. It's SO cool.

Ew, my energy bars smell like throw up. Time to check on them again.


i <3 baking

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I guess I should be happy...  Its not raining...  But I'm not happy... Summer is over... School starts today... Waking up early starts tomorrow... I won't be able to walk with And because of zero period... and also...


Homework starts tonight... The library isn't open yet...  My summer homework is bad... My cookies won't be good cause I read the recipe wrong... I can't go to Belle's 13th birthday party, hopefully I can come to Stella's.

Why I am happy: I get to see all my friends in one spot at the same time
                              Its sunnyish
                             I got to sleep in
                             Its my dads bday and we nad pancakes for breakfast
                             The plums are yummy when they are ripe
                             I picked the first ripe plumb a few days ago
                              Grapes will be ready soon
                             There are still more strawberries

And lots of other reasons too.

See you all in a few hours!!
