Monday, July 7, 2014

A beautiful website that has changed, sadly

So in 9th grade, Tumblr was really popular, and suddenly EVERYBODY had Tumblrs (and I got one too which is good and bad, haha). Tumblr was so much fun back then because everyone was trying new things like:

  • Promos - the kind that you reblog
  • Blog of the month/week/day/night 
  • Promo games
  • Blog groups/networks! Where certain bloggers would get together and become friends
  • People always used to make themes
  • Bloggers would host tinychats for fun
  • People used to use yourworldoftext
And there were a ton of new blogs and everyone had really different blogs! Like summer, hipster, winter, girly, personal, etc. 

But now, several changes have been made (one of the reasons that I will probably never rejoin permanently and be as into Tumblr as I used to, which is probably a good thing):
  • Tumblr staff has put up a bunch of regulations for promos, so you can't really do promos as casually as we could in the old days
  • No one does BOTWs and stuff anymore
  • People are running out of ideas so instead  of broad genres for blogs, blogs have becomes things like "rosy", "organic", "soft grunge", "soft ghetto". Like..what does that even mean...
    • Okay, actually if you were wondering, here are the examples of the genres that I just listed:
      • Organic:
      • Rosy:
      • Soft grunge:
      • Soft ratchet: it's either this: or this: (I am really not sure because I am not familiar with this genre)
  • Tumblr has changed its layout and has these huge Fisher Price style buttons now
  • The only people who can get Tumblr famous are those who are already famous...and those people are really annoying and only care about getting more followers
  • No one does networks or groups anymore
  • No more good/unique themes, and no more tinychats
  • Now people use JotLeaf
  • Lots of the cool people who used to be on Tumblr have deleted to escape the addiction
  • It's getting a little repetitive (the pictures I mean, because there aren't many new posts anymore)
Sigh. Good times on Tumblr. I hope that the people who used to be on Tumblr during the golden days are doing well in the world now. 

Saturday, July 5, 2014

E- Ramblings

So the movie that we made about a battle in the Civil War for Social Studies (where my brother basically did all the work except the acting and writing the script hahah), well my brother was so proud of the cinematography of it that apparently he's shown it to some of his friends D: which is extremely embarrassing. But it means that he still has it! I need to try and get it from him!

Also, And, Chey, and I made a movie for French where basically the same thing happened (my brother did essentially everything) and I have that on my comptuter. And from time to time I'll stumble on it and watch it and it's really funny because of how different we look and it was when Chey was dating Mot and we made a reference to it in the video and we thought we were so funny (but it wasn't actually funny, but now its funny looking back on it). 

And, remember that book called Revolution that I lent to you but then took it back like last summer because I thought I was going to read it on vacation but I never actually did? Well I finally finished it and I actually thought it was a really unique and interesting plot. And there is some historical accuracy to some of it which makes it more intriguing. The ending was a bit unexpected and strange but overall I liked it a lot. So if you want to borrow it for China, And, you can.

Also, last Tuesday I got back from Washington DC! Which was a lot of fun! I went with my Grandparents for a week and we did basically as much as possible in a week. We did a lot of sightseeing, visited many museums, saw The Lion King at the Kennedy Center (which was absolutely amazing and if you ever get the chance to go, you should!!!!!), went to an orchestral performance at the outdoor theater thing (which was pretty cool), etc.

Also, Fourth of July was yesterday and I had a ton of fun! I did a 5k with my mom, went to Meg's house and swam in her pool with And, and France, and played fooseball (and somehow I was on the winning team multiple times), went to my grandparents' house for dinner and hung out with my extended family (except my cousin that I'm closest to :/ ), and then we went down to Sheridan to watch the fireworks that they do right up close! It was super fun!

Friday, July 4, 2014

S - Our movies and other productions

Remember in middle school when we were all obsessed with making our own film/music productions? And was usually the star of every movie/song, Esee was the co-star of backup, and I was always the manager/editor of what we had recorded.

In 7th grade, we had the Three Musketettes, where we sang really weird country love songs with me playing piano in the background. I actually have recordings of this on my iPod and somewhere in a flashdrive. I think I lost the flashdrive ones though. I remember it started when you guys all came to my house. Then I showed it to my violin teacher (don't judge) and she thought we could actually get somewhere and taught me more pro GarageBand tips to make our music sound better. HAHA.

In 8th grade, we made movies. It started when Andrea was at my house and we got bored, so we decided to make a Twilight parody. That was actually a really funny movie, and really good, except for the fact that our movie editing skills were REALLY amateur (unlike Esee's brother's). Then Esee came over and we made a parody of 17 again, but it was too long and kinda boring. But it was kinda cool. I think I have them somewhere on my laptop. I will try to find them, tee hee. We also had recorded another movie through Esee's brother. It was  REALLY good editing and camera quality. It literally would have been like a real movie except for the fact that we were really bad actors with bad costumes and also the historical content was really inaccurate and vague..BUT HIS EDITING SKILLS WERE REALLY PRO!

And after that our venture into the world of film and music kind of died out...But you never know who will bring it back...

Thursday, July 3, 2014

A- My favorite books

These aren't in order btw

-Looking for Alaska: I don't understand why everyone loves the "Fault in our Stars" so much, it was pretty good but not amazing. This book is clearly John Green's best book. The characters were a little pretentious and talked in a way that teenagers don't talk like but whatever! The setting was so realistic and the experiences they had were so entertaining, especially the blowjob scene (which was my favorite). I found the main character kind of boring but Alaska, the girl, was pretty interesting. And if you have read both of these books by John Green, I also found it interesting how in "Fault in our Stars" Augustus Waters pretended to smoke cigarettes as a metaphor for not dying while in the book, Alaska smoked cigarettes in order to die faster.
-The Kite Runner: I just finished this book and it was homework for AP English 12. Mr. Child assigned it and I haven't heard the best things about him but he sure does have good taste in books! It was set in the Middle East which was a change from the usual Caucasian main character. It was pretty disturbing but in a good way. I expected it to be horrible since most books for school are but I'm impressed.
-Battle Royale: This was written before the hunger games, and basically has the same idea. Except that it's way better than the hunger games because it's way more realistic and its also a satire of the Japanese government which I found really entertaining. Most of the book is pretty interesting but the end really blew my mind. I usually expect endings or they aren't very surprising but I wasn't expecting this ending at all. And it didn't have a really bad love story like the hunger games, another plus.
-My Sister, My love: Joyce Carol Oates was an author that Mrs. Delliot recommended to me and I've read a lot of her books ever since. This book was super-super disturbing, like even more so than the Kite Runner. There was this one scene when the little boy (the main character) goes over to his friends house and the friend puts on porn that's a whole naked family doing "stuff" and there's other weird stuff like this that happens. And it gives a pessimistic view of rich people and everyone was really weird and their thoughts and actions didn't make sense.
-Harry Potter: Everyone has read these (well actually I'm dating someone who hasn't read these, what an abomination. I should really dump him for not reading Harry Potter). So I don't really have to provide an explanation

You guys should give me some recommendations for books to read since I'll be really bored in China this summer!