Sunday, November 28, 2010

R - Noveling

November is National Novel Writing Month, so Belle and I were going to write novels.  Actually, I think that And was to, but she hasn't so far, I think.  We are/were doing the NaNoWriMo Young Writers Program, which lets you set your own word-count goal.  However, the real goal is 50,000 words.  Belle decided to stop at 22,00 or so (she kinda quit :(((((((( ).  I totally get why though.  Now I'm at 40,924 words and 5,801 words behind.  I wish I could get some ideas to get my book going.  I guess I should have done that a long time ago, but I haven't really gotten to my climax yet. I'm getting there, but I have like 30,000 words of what my mom calls "character developement".  Ick.  I would never read a book where the whole thing is character developement. (or at least I would never like a book like that)
So my book is one of those books where the chapters alternate characters.  Its all in third person because I think that writing in first person is harder.  The problem with this is that I've suddenly liked writing from one of my characters perspectives a lot more than the other, so I have to bring her back into the story by forcing out some ideas.
I am going to end up staying up till midnight a lot so I can get this done.  Then my dad can yell at me for staying up too late.  Big whoop.
oh well.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

S - he's so cute

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

LOL just kidding i did that just to get people's attention...IF anyone even reads this blog.

In June there were 70 posts...October...3...November 2! Too uneven. Also if you are going to post, try to write with right punctuation otherwise it looks unprofessional and just a giant paragraph of text language which, honestly, is kind of hard and boring to read.

Well then, I sure hope that at least Roxy starts posting again.

S - November! Snow, Thanksgiving, Black Friday...

Hey guys! Long time no post!

Well anyways I'm kinda worried about my grades. In math, we took a test. There were two super hard problems on the test and a lot of people had to guess and SOMEONE had to do eenie meenie on one of the answers. I didn't finish it along with some other people. Webs said that we could finish on Wednesday, but then stupid snow wouldn't let me finish my test on Wednesday AND I couldn't go to And's house with Esee! I'm sad.

I did the snow dance last Sunday, and it worked! More than I'd hoped...

At least I can go shopping with And and possibly Esee on Black Friday! Hopefully...The snow's starting to melt. I hope it'll snow when we've got no place to go!

I cut my finger, so it hurts to type.

Umm....well, I guess that's it. Oh, if you want to read the magazine that me and wierdgreenman made, then comment on this! It's really cheesy, but entertaining! It's called Dollmag. So far we have 4 full issues, except a lost one. That one was the worst anyways.