Friday, October 8, 2010


The KMS sports teams have been underrated this year but this last cross country meet ruined that streak :/ at least it didn't hav to do with me. The coach said that the girls probably got first but I'm thinking that the guys got 3rd bu idk. All I know is that they DIDN'T get first :(. Also I hated the most recent meet. I threw up 5 times according to And. She was "so kind" and counted for me. It didn't help. Everone saw and it was embarrassing!!! And the extremely stupid thing is I don't think I tried any harder than normal..... It was weird!!
Oh well....

Tee hee
Cuz dats how I ROLLLLLL!!!
haha, I've been saying, "cuz dats how I roll" a lot lately..... It's funny/weird...

Saturday, October 2, 2010


im hanging with my asian buds here and were drinking orange juice and shining our nerdy glasses.

poppin sodas in the a blizzard
when we drink we do it right getting straight a's
sippin orange juice in the car, like three 6
now im feeling so fly, like an asian nerd

(from Like a G6 by far east movement feat. dev and the cataracs)
(parody created by asian bud)

um....gangstahs i gotta zip now cuz the call of my home gs is bleeping. zippin'!

Friday, October 1, 2010


This post is mostly to get my post number up to Esee's post number and try and get her to be competitive and post more.  Though really I should be doing that for And becuase she hasn't posted since June 11!!!! Thats over 3 months ago!!! To be precise, that is 111days!!!!

And: YOU NEED TO POST MORE!!!!!!!!!!!

 This won't even help becuase I am guessing that you haven't been on the blog in 111 days either. 
Sorry, I'm being mean.  I'll stop.
Hopefully you got the dog-poo off of your foot after we played that water game today.
That game was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun!!!!! I wish I had gotten wetter.

Are you guys ready for Halloween to get here? I am except for not really becuase I haven't decided what I'm going to be yet.  But I still wish it were Halloween. That was random. 

My mom and brother M are playing chess and I don't like chess so I am very bored.

That's all for now.  I am trying to figure out level 16 on this Andkon game called "click to play 2" its really really hard. Its not computer skills, its mostly logic and stuff. 
